Dersingham Primary School

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About Dersingham Primary School

Name Dersingham Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Lando Du Plooy
Address Dersingham Avenue, Manor Park, London, Manor Park, London, E12 5QJ
Phone Number 02084782133
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 638
Local Authority Newham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Staff at Dersingham have consistently high expectations of what pupils can achieve. This is embodied in the school motto: 'be excellent, turn up, no excuses'. Pupils achieve well, including in national assessments, and produce work of high quality across the curriculum.

The support provided for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) is exceptional. The school is highly inclusive, with dedicated and committed staff.

Pupils are rightly proud of their school and enjoy their learning.

They are respectful and polite to each other. From the early years, children listen attentively to adults and learn to cooperate, take turns and share. Pup...ils' behaviour is excellent, both in lessons and around the school.

Bullying is rare and pupils know who to speak with if they have any concerns. Parents and carers are overwhelmingly positive about the support their children receive.

From early years onwards, all pupils benefit from an extensive range of carefully designed wider opportunities.

These include weekly enrichment activities, school visits and residential stays. Pupils are eager to make a difference to the school community. They enjoy helping each other as 'motion motivators' in the playground or when acting as 'buddy experts'.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has developed an extremely ambitious curriculum. Leaders have carefully identified and sequenced the knowledge that pupils will learn from the early years to Year 6. They have ensured that teachers know exactly what pupils should learn and when.

The curriculum is constructed so that pupils build up a body of important knowledge in each subject as they move through the school.

Staff are experts in the delivery of the curriculum. Teachers encourage pupils to discuss their learning and to work collaboratively in pairs and small groups.

Pupils receive effective support to learn subject-specific vocabulary and they use it with confidence. Teachers check pupils' understanding continuously and effectively. For example, skilful questioning helps to identify any misconceptions so that these are addressed quickly.

Regular recap of learning helps pupils retain important knowledge. The standards pupils achieve in reading, writing and mathematics far exceed those achieved nationally. As a result, pupils are exceptionally well-prepared for the next phase of their education.

There is very strong support for pupils with SEND. The school carefully identifies pupils' needs and shares this information with staff. Adaptations are made to the curriculum, where necessary, so that teachers can support pupils with SEND in the classroom.

Leaders check that the additional support pupils receive is having a positive impact. The school has created 'pathways' for pupils with complex needs. Staff are well trained to support these pupils, with the support of external specialists.

There is a strong culture of reading across the school. Pupils become confident and fluent readers. This is because staff implement the phonics programme with consistent precision.

Pupils have frequent opportunities to practise and apply what they have learned using books that are closely matched to their phonics knowledge. Staff make regular checks on pupils' reading. Any pupils who fall behind benefit from effective support to catch up quickly.

The school promotes a love of reading. Pupils are eager to take part in the daily 'drop everything and read' sessions.

Behaviour in lessons is excellent.

Pupils are respectful, polite and friendly. Children settle rapidly into the early years provision. The school environment is calm and orderly.

Pupils who may struggle with behaviour receive targeted support. The school takes a proactive stance in teaching pupils about bullying and discrimination. This contributes to an open culture where pupils feel secure and safe.

The school knows its pupils and families well and are responsive to any concerns. Pupils look forward to the weekly achievement assembly, where they receive rewards for positive conduct linked to the school's values.

The school provides an exceptional range of opportunities to develop pupils' character.

Pupils are given the opportunity to demonstrate leadership, for example by acting as 'mental health champions'. There is a strong emphasis on caring for the well-being of each other. Year 4 pupils are taught first-aid techniques so that they can support their peers.

The school has developed a 'values curriculum', which equips pupils with an understanding of equality and to challenge discrimination.

Leaders, including those responsible for governance, have high ambition for all pupils and want the best for them. Staff feel that their workload and well-being have been carefully considered.

They benefit from high-quality training and professional development. Consequently, morale is high and there is a strong team spirit.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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