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Pupils are proud to be a part of this inclusive school, which is rooted in the heart of a culturally diverse community. There are many opportunities for pupils to learn about the different cultures and religions that exist throughout the school. They visit places of worship such as the mosque, gurdwara and church.
Pupils from all backgrounds come together to celebrate festivals on 'celebration days' such as Eid, Diwali and the 'picnic with Father Christmas'. The school supports local food banks and raises money for charity. These experiences help pupils to become active, respectful and responsible citizens.
The school's value of 'unity' permeates in all aspects of sch...ool life. Strong relationships between staff and pupils create a caring environment where pupils feel happy and valued. This is reflected in their positive attendance.
Pupils are well-mannered, kind and consistently demonstrate excellent behaviour. In lessons they have a real thirst for learning and live up to the high expectations that staff have of them. They achieve well and are committed to their learning.
During social times, pupils engage in friendly play together and are considerate of one another. This creates lasting friendships built on trust and integrity.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The curriculum is broad and ambitious for all pupils.
Learning is carefully sequenced to follow a logical progression and regularly revisited to embed understanding. Teachers have strong subject knowledge and use a variety of activities to engage pupils. In the early years, rhyme and stories are used to capture children's interests.
Staff model expectations and check pupils' understanding. As a result, pupils develop a secure understanding and they can effectively recall prior learning, helping them to see how new concepts fit into the bigger picture.
Teachers routinely check pupils' understanding.
The school identifies the needs of pupils and provides effective support for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). This ensures that all pupils progress well. However, pupils who grasp concepts and learning quickly are not always given further opportunities to enhance their learning.
The 'sunshine class' is a specialist SEND provision for pupils with complex needs who follow a bespoke curriculum tailored to their individual requirements. Their learning focuses on early reading and mathematics, building concepts and forest school activities, with carefully tailored activities to support their development. Staff receive additional training in autism spectrum disorder to maximise support.
Pupils develop communication skills using sounds and images. Staff provide care and guidance to foster increasing independence.
The school prioritises teaching pupils to read.
In Nursery, children are introduced to basic sounds, effectively preparing them for formal phonics in Reception. Vocabulary development is a key focus, evident in lessons where children confidently use newly-acquired words. Pupils learn to read through activities such as 'group read' sessions and 'tiny teachers' where fluent readers support their peers.
This helps pupils to become confident readers. As a result, all pupils, including those who struggle to read, can access the learning in all subjects. The school has made recent developments to encourage pupils to read for pleasure.
However, this is still in the early stages of implementation.
Pupils are rewarded for their exemplary behaviour. A highlight of the week is 'praise assembly' where the school celebrates pupils' efforts and dedication.
Pupils demonstrate high levels of self-control and respect for one another. In lessons, they have positive attitudes to learning and actively engage in discussions.
Personal, social and health education is integral to school life, with key concepts introduced from an early age.
Pupils learn the importance of staying safe, who to speak to if they have any worries, and understanding happy and healthy relationships. Expert staff offer bespoke support such counselling to meet individual needs. As a result, pupils feel happy, confident and well supported at school.
Pupils take part in meaningful enrichment activities that enhance their learning. Children in the early years attend theatre productions linked to the vocabulary development, while older pupils visit farms or zoos when learning about animals. Museum visits and local walks bring history lessons to life.
Additionally, the school offers an array of clubs including gardening, sports and crafts. The school ensures that all pupils benefit from these experiences.
Governors have a clear understanding of the school's strengths and areas for development.
Staff feel well supported and take pride in being part of the community. A key strength is the collaboration between leaders across the school and within the trust, working together to keep each child at the heart of everything they do.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• The school does not always give opportunities to enhance learning when pupils grasp concepts and learning quickly. This means that pupils do not engage in meaningful tasks once they finish their work. The school should develop staff expertise by providing strategies to enhance the learning and deepen the understanding for these pupils.
• The school has provided limited opportunities for pupils to read widely for pleasure. As a result, pupils are yet to fully develop their enjoyment of reading. The school should integrate reading for pleasure into all aspects of school life to foster greater enjoyment and engagement.