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Staff have high expectations of all pupils at Dilton Marsh. Pupils respond positively to these expectations by behaving well and working hard.
They leave Dilton Marsh ready for secondary school.
Pupils benefit from trusting relationships with adults. They are confident that staff will listen to any worries they may have.
This helps them to feel safe. Pupils know the school values of 'hope, respect, compassion and perseverance' well. These values guide how pupils should behave.
As a result, pupils are highly engaged in their learning. There is something for everyone to enjoy at social times. Pupils are particularly enthusiastic about the 'daily mile',... which promotes regular physical activity.
Pupils develop character by taking on leadership roles, such as sports ambassadors and eco-councillors. These pupils act as role models and take their responsibilities seriously, such as by monitoring the school's energy use. Pupils appreciate having a say in which charities to raise money for.
They feel strongly about supporting those less fortunate than themselves. Pupils experience learning beyond the classroom through visits to landmarks, including the Houses of Parliament when learning about the features of government. They participate in opportunities to develop their talents, for example in dance and choir clubs.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The school has rightly focused on developing the curriculum since the previous inspection. It now has high ambition for pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). There have been improvements in many areas.
The school has designed a broad curriculum that begins in the early years. In most subjects, the school has thought about the most important concepts pupils need to learn. These have been sequenced carefully to help pupils to build their knowledge successfully.
However, in a minority of the wider curriculum subjects, the school has not thought about the most important knowledge it wants pupils to learn. This means, on occasion, learning activities are not well matched to the knowledge the school intends pupils to learn. As a result, some pupils do not remember their learning long-term.
The school has inspired a love of reading. The phonics programme helps children to learn new sounds quickly. All staff have had training to teach early reading well.
Any children who are not keeping up are quickly given support. This is successful. Children at the early stages of reading practise reading with books that match the sounds they have learned.
The school uses high-quality texts across the curriculum. There are several opportunities for all pupils to read widely. Pupils further up the school also have reading books that match their ability.
Leaders have made sure this has been a priority. As a result, pupils feel confident and take pleasure in reading. Pupils attribute reading to supporting positive mental health.
The school has designed a clear sequence of learning in mathematics. Teachers' explanations of new concepts are clear. Appropriate apparatus is used to support pupils to learn new ideas.
Pupils can recall mathematical ideas with ease. For example, children in the early years develop a strong grasp of different ways to make the numbers 3 and 4. Older pupils can recall times tables quickly.
At times, however, some pupils run out of time and do not have regular opportunities to apply their knowledge to solving mathematical problems. This means that some pupils do not deepen their mathematical knowledge.
Leaders have planned effective support for pupils with SEND.
They have involved parents in this process. Staff have the information they need to be able to meet the needs of these pupils. Consequently, pupils with SEND learn the curriculum well alongside their peers.
The school, with support from the trust, carefully analyses attendance to ensure pupils attend regularly. Routines and expectations are understood by pupils. They are well-mannered and eager to discuss their learning.
In the early years, children follow established routines. They learn to manage their emotions. They leave Reception ready for Year 1.
Pupils learn about life in modern Britain. They develop an understanding of democracy when voting for pupil leaders. Pupils show respect and tolerance to those with differing views and beliefs.
They get involved in community events. For example, pupils attend the Soap Box Derby in Westbury, where they build and race a car in a friendly competition.
Staff appreciate the bespoke training provided by school leaders and the trust to help them with their subject responsibilities.
This has helped them to lead their subjects with confidence. The trust understands its responsibilities well and holds leaders to account effectively.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• In a minority of wider curriculum subjects, the trust has not identified the most important knowledge pupils need to learn. Because of this, some pupils have gaps in their knowledge. The trust must carefully plan the precise knowledge it wants pupils to know so that pupils can build on their prior knowledge and remember their learning over time.
A few pupils do not have regular opportunities to apply their knowledge of mathematics to problem-solving tasks. This means these pupils do not develop the depth of knowledge they need to in mathematics. The trust should ensure that all pupils learn how to apply their learning regularly in problem-solving tasks.