Dixons Trinity Chapeltown

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About Dixons Trinity Chapeltown

Name Dixons Trinity Chapeltown
Website https://www.dixonstc.com/
Ofsted Inspections
Mr Jason Patterson
Address Leopold Street, Chapeltown, Leeds, LS7 4AW
Phone Number 01135125510
Phase Academy
Type Free schools
Age Range 4-16
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 886
Local Authority Leeds
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Trustees, leaders and staff have established a school with excellence at the core of everything that takes place.

The highest expectations are set for all pupils. Leaders have designed a curriculum to help pupils thrive, both personally and academically. Staff teach this curriculum with high levels of expertise.

Pupils' learning is firmly cemented, and they become very knowledgeable. They develop qualities of independence and self-determination.

Pupils fully understand the school's approach to behaviour management.

Staff apply this fairly and consistently. The school is an exceptionally calm and orderly place to learn. This helps pupils to feel safe....

They are highly motivated and happy in lessons.Playtimes are lively and active. Then, following a well-established system, pupils return into school in a quiet, tranquil manner.

Pupils believe that bullying is rare. They are confident that if it does take place, staff will support them.

First-rate opportunities for personal development are in place.

There is a wealth of wide-ranging opportunities for pupils to develop their talents. Links with industry and universities raise pupils' aspirations. This widens their horizons for what is possible in the future.

The school is a true learning community. A pupil described this as, 'We are all part of a family together.'

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Trustees, leaders and staff have a shared mission that all pupils will secure high levels of success.

The school's curriculum is highly ambitious and very well designed to meet pupils' needs. It is very carefully sequenced and regularly revisits intended learning. This helps pupils to successfully gain and retain knowledge.

The curriculum is designed to grow pupils' knowledge and skills from Reception through to Year 11. Teachers have a strong understanding of the curriculum. They provide expert teaching and select suitable activities to maximise pupils' learning.

This is a school where every minute counts for pupils' learning. Consequently, pupils achieve highly, both in their academic progress and personal development.

Teachers assess pupils' learning during lessons and more formally at the end of blocks of learning.

Approaches such as 'messy marking' help teachers to very accurately pinpoint pupils' learning. They use this information to precisely plan what they need to teach next. This well-balanced approach to assessment increases the impact of teaching.

At the same time, leaders and trustees keep a regular check that pupils are making, at least, the progress expected by the school.

Leaders and teachers are determined that pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities will achieve the best possible outcomes. The curriculum is adapted to their needs but still provides the same learning opportunities as for their peers.

These pupils receive strong support in lessons for their academic and social needs.Leaders view the teaching of phonics knowledge and early reading skills as of paramount importance. Subject leaders have high levels of expertise.

Phonics teaching is of a consistently high quality. Pupils at risk of falling behind are identified promptly. They receive rapid support to help them to keep up.

Teachers precisely match pupils' reading books with their phonics knowledge. Pupils read regularly to adults in school. From starting in Reception, children are taught key phonics knowledge.

Teachers ensure that children have a literacy-rich learning environment. They ensure that older pupils are highly motivated to read. There are regular opportunities to read in school.

For example, pupils take part in the timetabled 'drop everything and read' sessions.

The school's 'warm-strict' approach has created a highly effective learning ethos. Pupils' behaviour in lessons is exemplary.

They are hardworking and diligent. Teachers use the school's behaviour management strategies consistently. Pupils respond to these well.

They are attentive and respond well to teachers' instructions. Pupils' conduct moving around the school is commendable. Where pupils' behaviour does not reach the high bar set by the school, leaders and teachers act quickly to address this promptly.

A coherently planned personal development studies curriculum is in place from Reception to Year 11. This aims to prepare pupils to be successful citizens. Teachers guide pupils on how to adopt healthy lifestyles.

The co-curricular offer deeply enriches pupils' experience in relation to sports, music, culture and arts. Pupils love the opportunities the school provides. The talk enthusiastically about learning how to play a musical instrument, going on expeditions and learning to row.'

Stretch' activities enable pupils to prepare and present short presentations. This develops their public speaking skills and self-confidence.

The school provides high-quality pastoral support.

Pupils talk about how the 'mountain rescue team' help them to deal with any worries that they might have. One pupil said, 'The team help you with everyday life and make you a better person.' The school actively promotes a sense of belonging to a community.

For example, during family dining, adults and pupils eat lunch together. This encourages the development of pupils' communication and social skills.

The school supplies high-quality careers information, education, advice and guidance.

Pupils talk about the careers fair, the online careers app, and the companies that have visited the school to talk to them about career paths. Secondary pupils visit a range of universities. The school more than meets the requirements of the Baker Clause, which requires schools to provide pupils in Years 8 to 13 with information about approved technical education qualifications and apprenticeships.

Inspirational and knowledgeable leadership is clearly evident across this school. The headteacher and senior leadership team have created an exceptional learning environment. The needs of pupils and the community are at the forefront of all decisions made.

Subject leaders are strong. They ensure that their subjects make substantial improvements to pupils' learning. The school's coaching approach ensures the quality of teaching continuously improves.

Staff's morale is high. They trust and believe in the school leaders. Trustees fulfil their statutory duties well.

They implement well thought-through strategic decisions. This has secured a first-class learning environment, very strong leadership and high-quality teaching. The trust chief executive officer and deputy chief executive officer complete their roles well.

They are both supportive and challenging.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff receive regular training on safeguarding.

This training ensures that staff have a strong understanding of the school's procedures. Pupils and families who need help are promptly identified. The school works well with safeguarding partners and other agencies to secure support for pupils.

Appropriate safer recruitment procedures are in place, although, on occasion, securing written references could be more prompt. Leaders follow the required steps in cases of allegations or safeguarding concerns about staff. The personal development studies curriculum teaches pupils how to stay safe and about positive relationships.

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