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Pupils feel safe, happy, and valued. Staff deeply understand pupils' challenges and provide the help pupils need to succeed.
This school fosters a caring, inclusive culture. When pupils make mistakes, teachers guide them to 'bounce back'. Over time, pupils become resilient.
Pupils feel listened to and extremely well supported by staff that know them so well.
The school has the highest expectations of each pupil. Pupils achieve well across the broad and ambitious curriculum.
Pupils are reminded about what they could become and where they could go as they enter each classroom, named after higher education institutes. Pupils begin to develop their aspir...ations. They start to believe in their limitless potential.
Pupils are proud to earn 'GRAD' points. They get these for showing the characteristics which the school promotes, such as grit, relationships, academic excellence and discipline. Pupils develop a sense of accountability.
The sixth form provides a transformative environment. This enables students who might not thrive elsewhere to achieve remarkable outcomes. Students have tailored pathways, expert teaching, and the support they need to excel academically.
The school's ethos is rooted in the mantra, 'everybody graduates'. The focus is always on ensuring that each pupil, regardless of background or ability, has the chance to reach their full potential.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Since the last inspection the school has taken effective action to strengthen the curriculum.
Pupils' best interests have been at the heart of this work. The school has broadened and balanced the curriculum to ensure that it meets all pupils' needs. Its effective sequencing enables pupils to build on prior knowledge and deepen their understanding over time.
From Year 7, pupils develop important skills and knowledge that prepare them for success in key stage 4 and beyond. This rigorous, ambitious approach equips all pupils for their futures.
The school serves a high proportion of pupils who speak English as an additional language.
Staff use a structured approach to improve pupils' reading, literacy, and English proficiency. Targeted interventions, such as phonics programmes and additional English sessions, ensure that all pupils develop the skills they need to access the curriculum.
Teachers use their strong subject knowledge to design effective sequences of learning.
On the whole, clear explanations and questioning enable staff to check pupils' understanding. However, this practice is not consistent. Additionally, sometimes pupils have too much new content to learn at once.
When this happens, some pupils lose focus.
Across the school, pupils achieve well in a broad range of subjects. For example, in English and art and design, they develop strong skills and knowledge, enabling them to analyse texts and express creative ideas effectively.
Tailored support ensures that pupils who speak English as an additional language and pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) succeed.
For many students, the sixth form opens doors that were once thought closed. Staff design tailored pathways that align with students' aspirations, ensuring both academic and personal success.
The week-long residential programme in London exemplifies this, providing students with high-quality guidance and immersing them in professional environments. These opportunities foster invaluable skills such as resilience, confidence and professionalism.
Alongside academic rigour, sixth-form students gain life skills and deep subject knowledge.
For example, art students refine advanced techniques like lino reduction printing and explore complex themes such as identity and emotion, producing work of exceptional quality. Psychology students confidently discuss concepts like Asch's Variations, showcasing analytical skills that prepare them for future academic challenges.
Pupils celebrate each other's cultures through vibrant events such as Black History Month and Roma Heritage Month, enriching their understanding of the world.
The curriculum equips pupils with the knowledge they need to stay safe online and offline. 'Values sessions' develop pupils' moral and social awareness. Pastoral support and careers provision are key strengths of the personal development programme.
The school fosters a calm and orderly environment, enabling pupils to focus on their learning. The needs of every pupil is central to the school's approach. This includes tailored support for pupils who need help to regulate their behaviour.
Over time, this leads to demonstrable improvements.
Courageous, determined leadership has been highly effective in improving many aspects of the school. Trustees and governors demonstrate a strong understanding of their statutory responsibilities.
Most staff understand the challenges of the community they serve and appreciate leaders' strong support for their workload and well-being.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• In key stages 3 and 4, occasionally there is too much lesson content and new knowledge for pupils to understand.
When this happens, some pupils find it difficult to maintain their focus. The school needs to take action to address this. ? In key stages 3 and 4, teaching does not consistently check that pupils have remembered essential knowledge.
As a result, some pupils do not have the pre-requisite knowledge they need for future learning. The school needs to refine its assessment practice. It needs to ensure that teaching routinely checks that pupils have secured the knowledge they need for later learning.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.