Dordon Primary School

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About Dordon Primary School

Name Dordon Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Head Teacher Mrs Moira Cross
Address Roman Way, Dordon, Tamworth, B78 1PJ
Phone Number 01827892422
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 209
Local Authority Warwickshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils attend Dordon Primary School happily. They enjoy all the school has to offer. The single-word rule of 'respect' is understood well by pupils and underpins everything the school does.

This is clear in the respect pupils show to each other and adults in school. Relationships between staff and pupils are highly positive. Pupils are well cared for, nurtured and encouraged to be the best they can be.

There are clear routines in place to guide pupils' behaviour and keep them safe. Children enter the Reception class from a variety of other settings and settle quickly. Pupils say that behaviour is usually good.

If they do have any concerns, they know they can ...speak to a trusted adult. They are confident that staff will deal with problems promptly.

Pupils say they enjoy their lessons.

The school recognises that pupils particularly enjoy learning that involves them in investigations. This is one of the ways in which pupils are supported to remember important information and make links in their learning.

The school has high expectations for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Pupils understand these expectations and respond by working hard in lessons.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school places a high priority on pupils learning to read. A new phonics scheme has recently been introduced.

Effective training has ensured that all staff teach phonics well and know when and how to support children to keep up. This is reflected in how well pupils are now learning to read. Pupils say they enjoy reading and can explain how they are becoming better readers.

Children in early years are gaining confidence in forming the letters that match the sounds they are learning and writing simple sentences. The school uses extra resources, such as an online reading programme. This is successfully helping older pupils to catch up.

Pupils are gaining the skills they need to become confident and fluent readers.

The routines established in the early years help children to get on well together. They share equipment and take turns.

They know how to listen and join in with activities that help prepare them for the move to Year 1.

The school has made many changes to the curriculum. These are beginning to have a positive impact.

The school has rightly identified gaps that still remain in pupils' knowledge in some subjects. They are working hard to address these. This is most successful when subject leaders have the opportunity to check how well the curriculum is delivered in lessons.

The revised curriculum is well sequenced and ambitious for all pupils, including those with SEND. Pupils with SEND have their needs identified and are supported well. As a result, pupils with SEND achieve well and thrive in school.

Behaviour at all points of the day is good. Pupils who need help to manage their emotions and behaviour are supported extremely well. Pupils realise that sometimes others need to do things differently.

They demonstrate their understanding of this and are able to show the respect and consideration for others that are so highly valued in this school.

The school recognises the importance of regular attendance and promotes high attendance. However, some pupils do not attend school often enough.

This leads to gaps in their learning and means they are not achieving as well as they might.

The personal development of pupils starts strongly in the early years and runs through all aspects of school life. A variety of after-school clubs help pupils to stay active and healthy.

Pupils are taught how to stay safe, and their social and emotional development has a high profile. Pupils are aware that although there are many differences, everyone is equal, and they can explain why this is the right way to treat people.

The school recognises that the work they have done to teach and promote fundamental British values is not yet fully embedded.

Some pupils do not have a secure enough understanding of how these values will help prepare them to be responsible citizens of the future.

The school values its partnership with parents, and parents appreciate all that the school does for their children. Governors know the school well and effectively challenge and support school leaders to continually improve.

Trust leaders ensure that staff at all levels are supported to carry out their roles effectively and continue to develop practices that reduce workload. They also provide opportunities for staff to work with other local schools to share ideas and learn together.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Some pupils are absent from school too often. This means they miss out on important learning and the many opportunities available to pupils who attend regularly. The school should continue to take appropriate action, including working closely with families, to support all pupils to attend school regularly.

• The school has not ensured that pupils' understanding of fundamental British values is secure enough. This means pupils are not being prepared for life in modern Britain as well as they might. The school should ensure that opportunities to develop pupils' understanding of British values are purposefully planned and delivered throughout the curriculum and understood by all pupils.

Some subject leaders have not had the opportunity to check how well the intended curriculum is being implemented in their area of responsibility. This means they are unaware of whether the curriculum is effective in helping pupils learn and gain knowledge. The school should ensure regular checks are made in all curriculum areas so they understand if the intended curriculum is being delivered to a high standard, resulting in pupils knowing and remembering more.

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