Dormers Wells Primary School

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About Dormers Wells Primary School

Name Dormers Wells Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Mrs Toni George
Address Dormers Wells Lane, Southall, UB1 3HX
Phone Number 02085711230
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 488
Local Authority Ealing
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are extremely proud of their school.

They are happy and safe. Leaders value their views and take them seriously. As a result, pupils have directly influenced improvements in the quality of education they receive.

Leaders have high expectations for all pupils including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). They make sure they experience a wealth of opportunities to prepare them for life beyond school. Leaders have compiled a book of 50 activities that every pupil should undertake during their time at the school.

For example, everyone should sail a boat and visit the theatre. They rise to the challenges set and meet leaders' ex...pectations consistently well.

Pupils' behaviour is exemplary.

They display the highest levels of respect and self-control, actively promoting each other's well-being. Bullying rarely occurs. Pupils said if bullying did happen, they would tell an adult and expect them to sort it quickly.

Pupils designed a new school uniform and logo following the federation of the junior and infant schools. The previous separate uniform colours of blue and red were 'mixed' to create the purple in place today. Leaders include all year groups in important decisions that affect their school.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders are ambitious for all and have designed a curriculum that helps pupils achieve their potential. Pupils learn a broad range of subjects as outlined in the national curriculum. Most subjects are planned and ordered so pupils learn the key knowledge well.

In mathematics, for example, focus is given to introducing mathematical vocabulary logically and using it confidently. Science is equally well-sequenced and builds progressively over time. However, in some wider curriculum subjects, learning is not as clearly organised.

For instance, in geography, leaders have not decided what pupils should learn in each year group to develop their knowledge of map skills.

Pupils at the earlier stages of reading are rapidly catching up with their peers. This is because leaders introduced a new phonics programme in January 2022.

Leaders made sure all staff received training to teach the new approach effectively. Leaders have also invested in books that closely match the sounds less fluent readers are learning. This means pupils can apply newly learnt sounds and experience immediate reading success.

Teachers provide pupils with time to practise and embed learning. This means pupils remember lots of key knowledge. For instance, pupils in Year 6 can speak confidently about the catalyst for the Southall uprising.

Pupils with SEND access the same curriculum as their peers. Teachers adapt learning so all pupils achieve well. For example, in mathematics, pupils might spend a larger proportion of the lesson practising calculations to ensure key knowledge is embedded.

Staff use a range of strategies to check what pupils know. In history, for example, teachers use true and false quizzes to see what pupils remember. However, in some subjects it is harder to check learning because the curriculum content is not specific enough.

For instance, teachers do not have enough detail to check how pupils' understanding and application of musical notation develops.

Pupils have excellent attitudes towards their learning. They expressed excitement when asked if they enjoy their lessons.

Low-level disruption simply does not happen. This means learning takes place as intended with no interruptions.

Leaders provide many opportunities for pupils to develop their character, resilience and responsibility.

The Junior Leadership Team (JLT) is just one way pupils take a lead in their school. Members of the JLT conduct regular surveys collecting the views of their peers. For example, one survey asked pupils about their favourite lessons.

The information collected highlighted areas for improvement which leaders acted on. The Red Caps take on responsibilities mentoring younger peers. They support happy and healthy playtimes.

Senior leaders have made professional development for all a priority. They have created a collaborative staff culture where colleagues feel safe to ask for help. Staff view workload positively.

They said leaders are helpful and approachable.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders and staff understand their safeguarding responsibilities well.

They know what signs might suggest a pupil is at risk of harm and how to refer any concerns. Leaders are also aware of the specific local risks pupils face. They make sure pupils know how to stay safe online and where to get help outside of school.

Leaders liaise effectively with external agencies such as the police and other safeguarding partners. Governors and trust leaders make sure checks on potential employees are thorough. This means only adults deemed safe to work with children are employed.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In some subjects, leaders have not provided teachers with enough precise detail on what to teach and when. This affects how well pupils learn key content. It also means teachers cannot check what has been learned effectively.

Leaders need to ensure all subjects are coherently planned and sequenced. This will support teachers to help pupils know and remember more of the curriculum. Leaders have already taken action to plan next year's curriculum and to train staff in how to deliver it.

For these reasons, the transitional arrangements have been applied

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