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This is a good school Over the past year, leaders' determined and decisive actions have led to notable improvements across the school.
Pupils now achieve well by the end of key stage 2, preparing them suitably for secondary school. The governing body holds leaders successfully to account for the difference their work makes to pupils. Governors challenge leaders effectively and support them in raising standards of education in the school.
Teachers plan learning that builds pupils' knowledge, skills and understanding appropriately over time. Opportunities to work at a greater depth of learning are less consistently evident, which impedes some pupils' progress. P...upils experience good-quality phonics teaching that gives them a strong start to their reading and writing work.
Very high proportions achieve the phonics check standard by the end of Year 1. Pupils in the lower part of the school make increasingly strong progress, particularly those with low starting points. Pupils in Years 5 and 6 are now making good progress, but are yet to catch up from having underperformed in the past.
A strong culture of safeguarding is evident across the school. Adults are vigilant and caring. They ensure that pupils who may be at risk are supported well, which helps them to flourish and feel safe.
Pupils are kind and considerate of each other. They attend school regularly and conduct themselves well, responding to adults' instructions and guidance. They work hard and try their best.
Pupils relish opportunities to play a responsible part in the life of the school. Their learning in lessons is enhanced successfully by events and activities that raise their awareness of the wider world. Children in early years benefit from high-quality provision.
They enjoy their diverse experiences, which are planned to match their needs closely. Leaders are ambitious and have appropriate plans to make early years provision even better. Leaders work effectively to support disadvantaged pupils and those who have special educational needs (SEN) and/or disabilities.
They make sure that additional funding is used wisely and that it makes a difference to these pupils' achievements.
Information about this school
Dover Park is a small maintained primary school for pupils aged four to 11. It became a one-form intake school in September 2016, when restructuring of education provision on the Isle of Wight was completed.
Almost all pupils are of White British origin, with a below-average proportion believed to speak English as an additional language. Twice as many pupils are supported by the pupil premium than is the case nationally. The percentage of pupils who have SEN and/or disabilities, including those who have an education, health and care plan, is broadly average.
The headteacher has been in post since September 2011. However, there have been a number of other personnel changes since the last inspection, including in leadership, teaching staff and governance. Leaders work closely with advisers from the Hampshire Inspection and Advisory Service (HIAS), which provides local authority support on the Isle of Wight.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.