Drayton Manor High School

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About Drayton Manor High School

Name Drayton Manor High School
Website http://www.draytonmanorhighschool.co.uk/
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Ms Lisa Mills
Address Drayton Bridge Road, Hanwell, London, W7 1EU
Phone Number 02083571900
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 11-19
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1424
Local Authority Ealing
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

This school is driven by its ethos to build character and ambition and develop 'civic virtue'.

The school provides an ambitious curriculum for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Pupils develop secure subject knowledge, which results in strong outcomes in public examinations.

The school has high expectations of pupils' behaviour and conduct.

Pupils are polite and courteous. They have highly positive attitudes and are attentive in lessons. Pupils are safe at this school.

There are opportunities for pupil leadership and responsibility. Students in the sixth form relish taking up responsibilities offere...d by the school. They actively support the well-being of others.

The sixth form has a thoughtful enrichment offer, including a science club, community service, the extended project qualification and scholars' programmes. They may also learn British Sign Language or take part in a variety of sports.

The school has an unwavering approach in providing both a strong curriculum and a broad offer of experiences.

Leaders bring the school community together, particularly through music, where collective singing features throughout Years 7 to 9. The school also makes breakfast available to all pupils to foster a positive start to the day. The school rewards and celebrates pupils' successes regularly.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school provides all pupils with a broad and highly ambitious curriculum, enriched by the opportunity to study classics, Latin and Greek. Teachers ensure that pupils learn and retain important knowledge across the range of subjects. Teachers have strong subject knowledge, which enables discussion of complex ideas and concepts.

Inclusivity is at the heart of this school. The school identifies pupils' needs with precision and shares this information with staff. The school has a range of strategies available to support pupils with SEND, which are used appropriately when needed.

Pupils with SEND achieve very well.

The school has thoughtfully identified the knowledge that pupils will learn. This is carefully sequenced in a logical order.

For example, in science, pupils study the particle model of solids, liquids and gases as a foundation before learning about thermal energy transfer. Pupils are encouraged to apply their learning to the modern world. In history, pupils draw connections between past and present migration, as well as exploring different conflicts.

Similarly, in English, there is a balance between pre-1914 literature and contemporary texts. This enables a deeper appreciation of language and context. Pupils quickly develop skills of critical enquiry, data analysis and evaluation as they progress through the school.

The school promotes a love of reading and ensures that those who need additional help with their reading are well supported to catch up quickly.

The curriculum is also suitably demanding in the sixth form. The school ensures that students are prepared thoroughly for this stage of learning and quickly develop their confidence in tackling complex ideas.

The school has very high expectations of pupils' behaviour. The school is a calm and orderly place. Pupils' confidence builds quickly, and they learn to manage their own emotions and behaviour.

They enjoy taking up responsibilities, with roles such as well-being ambassadors, for example. The school has worked tirelessly to ensure that pupils attend school as much as possible. Pupils attend very well, including in the sixth form.

Where this is not the case, staff take swift and effective action to help pupils get back into school.

The school provides suitable guidance to pupils to support planning for their next steps in education, employment or training. They receive useful advice and information.

Personal, social, health and economic education is delivered appropriately. Pupils can understand and discuss fundamental British values and equality of opportunity. They demonstrate respectful attitudes and are prepared for life in modern Britain.

The school teaches pupils how to stay safe, including online. The school provides a broad range of enrichment opportunities. Some pupils do not yet take up these wider opportunities or fully engage with the school's ethos.

This is stronger in the sixth form.

The sixth form provides extensive opportunities for the promotion of students' personal development. Students benefit from a rich set of experiences and encounters with the world of work.

They are very well prepared for their next stage of education or employment. 'Civic virtue' is at the core of the sixth form. Students undertake community service and support younger pupils with enthusiasm.

Leaders at all levels are reflective and committed to driving the school forward. The school provides high-quality professional development opportunities for staff. Staff have time to embed their learning and feel valued.

The governors support the school and share leaders' ambitions for pupils to succeed and be good citizens. Governors fulfil their statutory duties well.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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