Dulwich Village Church of England Infants’ School

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About Dulwich Village Church of England Infants’ School

Name Dulwich Village Church of England Infants’ School
Website http://www.dulwichvillageinfants.co.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Helen Poyton
Address Dulwich Village, London, SE21 7BU
Phone Number 02075259233
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary aided school
Age Range 4-7
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 254
Local Authority Southwark
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils arrive each morning with a smile on their face and a skip in their step. They are greeted by warm and friendly staff. Pupils are extremely happy and safe here.

Expectations for all pupils are extremely high. Learning starts as soon as pupils walk into their classrooms. They are clear of the routines and expectations, including children in the early years.

Pupils are excited to get into their learning.

Pupils are rightly proud to be part of this school. They value the care and support they get from all staff and the positive friendships they have formed.

Staff expect the best behaviour of all pupils. As a result, behaviour is impressive, both i...nside and outside the classroom. Even though the school is spread over two sites, it operates as one close-knit school.

For instance, pupils in Year 2 cross the road to have their lunch and attend assemblies. Staff know all pupils and their families very well.

Families highly value the strong community links the school has forged over time.

Pupils engage with groups in the community, helping raise money for charities and donating resources to support those in need. The pupils are being developed as global citizens.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have designed an aspirational curriculum.

In many subjects, it goes beyond the expectations of the national curriculum. Leaders have made staff training a priority. As a consequence, teachers are confident when teaching all subjects.

Expectations of all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), are consistently high. Staff routinely check pupils' prior knowledge. They build on this learning in each lesson progressively.

As a result, pupils understand how previous learning is relevant to what they are learning now. For example, when learning about different artists, pupils are able to remember and compare their use of lines, shape and colour.

All pupils are challenged appropriately within their learning.

In mathematics, children in Reception use resources confidently to support them with their learning. They can talk about what they know when creating repeating patterns, including basic shapes. Older pupils can see the patterns in number sentences and use the correct vocabulary to explain them.

Leaders have made sure that reading is a priority. All staff receive regular training and deliver the reading programme consistently and with confidence. Pupils who have fallen behind catch up quickly.

Books that pupils read match their phonic level. Pupils routinely use their phonics strategies to decode unknown words. The assessment processes in place are extremely thorough and help identify gaps in class or individual pupils' knowledge.

Pupils new to English learn reading strategies quickly. All staff promote the love of reading. A range of engaging books are shared with pupils daily.

Staff encourage pupils to take home books regularly.

Systems for identifying pupils with SEND are rigorous. Leaders work with outside agencies efficiently, so that the school knows how to best support pupils.

Communication with parents is impressive. This is clear from the extremely positive feedback from parents of children with SEND at the school.

Pupils behave exceptionally well at all times.

They are highly motivated in lessons and demonstrate positive attitudes to their education. Pupils listen to adults and follow instructions at all times. Pupils interact beautifully with each other and include each other in their play.

Staff give pupils the tools to communicate their emotions. In Reception, children collaborate with each other when solving problems or working on a project. They demonstrate great concentration when focusing on activities.

Pupils learn the importance of the school values of love, kindness, joy, self-control, and faithfulness. This is built on through the school's vision and is embedded in the ethos. Pupils learn about positive relationships and different family units.

Staff plan school visits regularly to strengthen the curriculum offer. Pupils have access to a broad range of extra-curricular clubs.

Leaders work closely with families if attendance is low, this leads to rapid improvement.

Staff are proud to work here and feel completely cared for by senior leaders. They value the way leaders look out for their well-being. Governors are fully aware of their statutory duties.

They encourage the outward facing work the school engages in. They both support and challenge school leaders regularly.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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