Dunraven School

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About Dunraven School

Name Dunraven School
Website http://www.dunraven.org.uk/
Ofsted Inspections
Principal Mr Guy Maidment
Address 94-98 Leigham Court Road, LONDON, SW16 2QB
Phone Number 02086965600
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 4-18
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1791
Local Authority Lambeth
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Leaders have a strong focus on treating all fairly and equally and developing pupils who have a range of interests and a variety of experiences.

They have developed a curriculum that is broad and balanced. Leaders are ambitious for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). They have developed an exciting curriculum that is engaging for all pupils.

Pupils are safe and happy. They are polite and show high levels of respect for each other. Working relationships between staff and pupils are positive.

Pupils know that bullying is not tolerated. Staff respond to any rare incidents of bullying swiftly and effectively.
Pupils have access to an exceptionally wide range of experiences and opportunities beyond the academic curriculum.

For example, pupils have attended a variety of trips abroad, including history trips to Berlin and Russia, and regular trips to the theatre and art exhibitions. Pupils in the primary phase have the opportunity to attend residential trips in numerous year groups. Pupils' participation in extra-curricular activities is extremely high.

Through leaders' careful planning, visits link closely to pupils' learning, particularly in the primary phase.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have developed an ambitious all-through curriculum that is coherently designed from Reception through to sixth form. They think carefully about the knowledge and skills that pupils should gain across the school.

Leaders sequence the content pupils learn so that knowledge builds over time. Teachers support students in the sixth form to produce extremely high-quality work. They check students' understanding effectively in the sixth form.

This helps students to develop a deep and secure knowledge of subject content.

Teachers have strong subject knowledge and deliver lessons clearly. In most cases, teachers identify misconceptions swiftly and address these to ensure pupils are building new knowledge on firm foundations.

However, this is not consistently the case. Sometimes, teaching does not check that pupils have fully understood content before moving on to new learning.

Leaders have prioritised reading.

In the primary phase, pupils receive consistent phonics support. Teachers ensure that pupils practise reading using books that match the sounds they know. Pupils who need extra support receive additional support.

This helps them to keep up with the phonics teaching programme. Reading is also prioritised in the secondary phase. Teachers encourage pupils to read for pleasure widely.

They help pupils who need extra support, so that they can read fluently. In the early years, staff develop children's communication and language skills effectively with a strong focus on building vocabulary.

Pupils with SEND are well supported and follow the same ambitious curriculum as their peers.

Leaders identify the needs of pupils with SEND. Teachers know pupils with SEND well and support them well during lessons.

Typically, pupils behave very well during lessons and around the school site.

Lessons are rarely affected by low-level disruption. Systems to support behaviour are effective and pupils appreciate the rewards policy. The 'referral centre' and 'base provision' within the school have a positive impact on pupils' behaviour.

This includes helping pupils who need to develop coping strategies when required. In early years, children follow routines sensibly and interact well with each other in a stimulating environment that is rich in resources.

Leaders have developed an exceptionally high-quality programme of personal development.

They promote pupils' character development consistently from Reception to the sixth form. Pupils are taught a range of topics including how to stay safe online and about healthy relationships. This is done in a sequenced and age-appropriate manner throughout the school.

Pupils access an extensive range of extra-curricular activities. This includes a variety of sport and music clubs, pride society and a debate club. Participation in these activities is extremely high.

Many pupils complete volunteer work in the local community and raise money for a range of charities.

In the sixth form, students all take part in weekly enrichment activities. Leaders check with great care that all students have impressive wider experiences.

This helps students with their post-18 applications for the next stages of their education or training. Each student has their own mentor to help them with applications.Every sixth-form student also takes part in the 'passion project', producing a piece of work on a particular area of interest and delivering a talk to develop their oracy skills.

Leaders have developed a broad careers programme that prepares pupils for the next stage in their education, employment or training. Teachers help pupils to think about future options through a well-thought-out programme. This includes through various outings and external speakers.

Trustees and governors have a strong understanding of the school. They work effectively with leaders to realise their vision. Staff felt valued by leaders and appreciated strategies that are in place to help manage workload.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders have developed robust systems to safeguard pupils. Staff understand how to identify and report concerns.

Leaders act on any safeguarding reports swiftly. They use external agencies effectively when required.

Pupils are taught how to stay safe and understand how to report concerns.

Leaders seek the views of pupils regularly. They use this to ensure that the personal development curriculum is effective and impactful. Leaders understand local risks and react effectively if new concerns are raised.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• On occasion, teaching does not identify and clarify pupils' misunderstandings. This means that sometimes pupils do not learn from mistakes they make, and errors can persist in work. Leaders should develop the expertise of all teachers to address any gaps in pupils' understanding so that they are fully prepared for future content.

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