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All groups of pupils including boys, girls, pupils with English as an additional language, and those with disabilities or special educational needs are achieving well overall because teaching is good. Achievement is good throughout the school, including in the Early Years Foundation Stage, Key Stages 1 and 2. The school is not outstanding because teaching does not always challenge the more-able pupils sufficiently.
¦ Teachers use their subject knowledge well to plan lessons which engage pupils effectively. Planning is generally good, although teachers do not always set clear targets for the most-able pupils to ensure that they are always challe...nged to achieve their very best. Basic skills in literacy and numeracy are taught well.
Consequently, pupils are well equipped to learn for themselves. The best teaching includes many opportunities for pupils to discuss work with their 'talking partners'. Teamwork between staff in the classroom is exceptional, making a significant contribution to learning.
¦ Pupils are treasured as individuals and nurtured very effectively so that their behaviour is outstanding. Pupils develop an outstanding awareness of safety matters as a result of the school's excellent care, guidance and support. Strategies to raise pupils' self-confidence and promote excellent behaviour are very effective.
Consequently, pupils fully understand the impact of their actions on others. ¦ The headteacher works relentlessly with governors and senior managers to monitor the quality of provision and tackle any weakness in performance. Teaching is led very well.
Leaders and managers at all levels have created a sense of unity and common purpose across the school. Self-evaluation is very astute and accurate. Senior leaders use their insight very effectively to make school improvements.
For example, pupils' spiritual and cultural development has improved from good to outstanding since the last inspection.
Information about the school
Durham Lane is a broadly-average-sized primary school. The proportion of pupils known to be eligible for free school meals is below average.
The majority of pupils are of White British heritage with a small proportion from a range of minority ethnic backgrounds. The proportion of pupils with English as an additional language is below average. A very small number of pupils are looked after by the local authority.
A broadly average proportion of pupils is disabled or has special educational needs. The school has a local authority resourced provision for 14 younger pupils with speech and language difficulties. Nearly one fifth of children is in the Early Years Foundation Stage.
The school has achieved a range of external awards including the Healthy Schools Gold Award and the Green Flag Eco-Schools Award. The school exceeds the government's current floor standard for pupils' attainment and progress. A significant number of pupils join school at times other than the Early Years Foundation Stage.
Inspection grades: 1 is outstanding, 2 is good, 3 is satisfactory and 4 is inadequate Please turn to the glossary for a description of the grades and inspection terms
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.