E-ACT Pathways Academy

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About E-ACT Pathways Academy

Name E-ACT Pathways Academy
Website https://pathwaysacademy.e-act.org.uk/
Ofsted Inspections
Principal Headteacher Elizabeth Long
Address Raisen Hall Road, Sheffield, S5 7NA
Phone Number 01142310044
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 392
Local Authority Sheffield
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Leaders have made sure that there is a caring and warm atmosphere in the school.

Teachers make learning interesting. They have high expectations and want the best for the pupils. As a result, pupils enjoy their lessons and are happy coming to school.

If pupils need more help with their learning, staff are available to help them.Pupils are polite and respectful to each other and to staff. Pupils say they like attending the breakfast club because it gives them a chance to catch up with their friends and get ready for the school day.

The school feels calm and orderly and pupils behave well. In lessons, pupils try their hardest. Pupils told us that they feel safe....

Bullying is rare, and pupils know what to do if they are worried about something. Pupils know how to stay safe, including when online.

There is a wide range of opportunities for pupils to get involved in school life, outside lessons.

Pupils particularly like the sports clubs and doing the daily mile.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

School leaders have worked closely with the trust to plan a curriculum which is coherent across all subjects. Teachers think carefully about the most important content for pupils to learn.

The curriculum plans for each subject sequenced in a way that helps pupils to remember more and be able to do more. Where appropriate, content from one subject is linked to content from another subject. For example, when pupils in Year 5 learn about the Tudors in history lessons, they also learn about Catholicism in religious education.

Teachers have had appropriate training to help them deliver the ambitious curriculum. Most teachers have good subject knowledge and make sure that key content is repeated. For example, pupils in Year 2 told us how learning about 'sprinting' in Year 1 helped them to understand better what they learn about 'pacing' now.

Some staff who are new to subject leadership roles are still developing their confidence in their subject areas. Teachers use assessment well to check if pupils have learned the curriculum. They adapt their teaching to plug any gaps in pupils' knowledge or to clear up misconceptions.

As a result, pupils' achievement in reading, writing and mathematics is continuously improving.

Leaders and teachers have the same aspiration for all pupils to love reading. There is a structured approach to reading across the school.

New resources have been added this year. All classrooms have reading corners with a range of books for pupils to choose from. Pupils read regularly at home and in school.

Story time at the end of each day is designed to be engaging and to foster pupils' love for reading. In the early years, daily phonics sessions help pupils learn their sounds quickly. Any pupil who falls behind in their reading gets extra support.

The early years curriculum is planned coherently, and children are well prepared for Year 1. Children are already able to listen and understand stories and rhymes. They show positive attitudes and resilience.

Children are learning how to compromise and share with one another. Some teachers are still building their skills and confidence in teaching phonics to a high standard.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are supported very well.

Staff in the 'Willow' classroom identify early any learning needs and plan any support required. Pupils study the full curriculum and return to their main classrooms as soon as possible.

Pupils behave well, both in lessons and around the school.

They are respectful to each other and to staff. They hold doors open for visitors. In lessons, pupils show positive attitudes to their learning and take pride in their work.

There is a wide range of opportunities for pupils to take part in outside of lessons. Over 140 pupils per week access the different sports and after-school clubs. All Year 5 pupils attend a sailing residential trip every year, funded by the trust.

Pupils also have opportunities to contribute to school life, for example as school councillors, sports leaders or healthy mind champions. These opportunities support pupils' personal development well. Pupils regularly discuss and debate in lessons, especially in religious education and history.

Teachers are ambitious for all pupils. The trust provides comprehensive training and support to leaders and staff. This increases the school's capacity to improve further.

Parents and carers have opportunities to learn alongside their children. Subject leaders are enthusiastic about their roles. Most staff are positive about the way leaders consider their workload and value the support they receive.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

The designated safeguarding leaders make sure that there is a culture of safeguarding in the school. Teachers receive regular training in safeguarding.

Thorough recruitment checks are in place to ensure that staff are safe to work with pupils. Leaders ensure that safeguarding records are accurate. Staff know the potential risks in the area and what to do if they have concerns about the pupils.

Pupils know who to go to if they have any concerns. Also, pupils know what to do to stay safe, including when online.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

Leaders identify staff training needs accurately and provide appropriate professional development.

However, some staff, are not completely confident yet in teaching or leading different subjects. Leaders should continue to embed subject-specific training for all staff, including subject leaders, so that the implementation of the curriculum is of consistently high quality across all subjects, including the teaching of phonics.Children in Reception benefit from learning in stimulating and well-designed classroom environments.

However, this is not the case in the outdoor area. For example, there is a limit to the number of children who can access outside activities at any one time. Leaders should ensure that the outdoor resources mirror the high-quality resources indoors.

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