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Bourne End Academy is a rapidly improving school that pupils are proud to attend. One parent, typical of many, commented, 'The school has gone from strength to strength. I have nothing but praise for the staff.'
Pupils are courteous and respectful to each other and to staff. They hold doors open and speak kindly to each other. The headteacher provides purposeful direction and has strengthened leadership recently across the academy.
Pupils speak passionately of these changes.
The provision for the wider development of pupils is a strength of the school. Societies, designed to develop pupils' interests, talents and wider knowledge, are very popular.<...br/> These include activities such as engineering, equine studies, debating and musical theatre. Pupils relish taking part in these during the school day.
Pupils are confident they have adults in school they can talk to if they have worries or concerns.
They say that while bullying happens occasionally, staff always help sort it out. This has not always been the case. Leaders have a robust and restorative approach to dealing with bullying.
As a result, the number of incidents of bullying has continued to reduce.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders share a clear vision for all pupils to access an ambitious curriculum. They have carefully identified the knowledge that they want pupils to learn.
Leaders ensure that curriculum thinking considers the work that pupils completed prior to attending the school and extends into the sixth form. At key stage 4, the curriculum is broad and ambitious. However, leaders recognise that not enough pupils gain qualifications in the English Baccalaureate.
Leaders are working hard to address this by increasing the number of pupils who study a modern foreign language.
There is a strong emphasis on literacy and reading. Leaders have identified ambitious texts for all pupils to read at the school.
Leaders ensure that pupils who need extra support with reading are identified and supported quickly and effectively.
Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are typically well supported to learn the curriculum. They benefit from learning the ambitious curriculum alongside their peers in class.
In some subjects, for example mathematics, adaptations to the curriculum enable pupils with SEND to learn well. However, in some other subjects, for example English and science, work is not always sufficiently adapted. Consequently, in some lessons pupils are not challenged to achieve their best possible outcomes.
A small number of pupils with SEND, taught in the school's additional resourced provision, benefit from individualised support and specialist teaching. Here, staff are experts in teaching pupils with autism spectrum disorder.The curriculum is much improved.
Leaders and staff have diligently ensured that work is carefully sequenced. The recently developed 'leadership guides' and 'learning cycles' help staff and pupils understand where they are in the sequence of their learning. Many teachers use assessment effectively.
They regularly check for pupils' understanding in lessons. Staff use this information to help inform their teaching and help pupils catch up quickly where they need to.
Some staff effectively adapt their teaching to help pupils to learn well.
However, this is inconsistent. Some pupils are not sufficiently challenged, while others, including those with SEND, do not have their needs met. To address this, leaders have prioritised individualised support for teachers to help them meet the needs of all pupils in their class.
Leaders recognise that this is beginning to have a positive impact on pupils' learning.
The school takes the personal development of pupils seriously. Trained staff and carefully selected visiting speakers deliver a carefully planned personal, social and health education programme.
Students in the sixth form are proud to be trained as 'reading buddies' to support younger pupils. Some students run clubs for younger pupils. All pupils receive impartial careers advice and guidance to help them plan and prepare for further study when they leave school.
The pastoral care of pupils is a strength of the school. Staff work tirelessly to support pupils who need help to modify their behaviour. If pupils make mistakes, they can 'reset', and resume learning as soon as they can.
Attendance has improved. Carefully designed strategies help pupils understand why attendance is so important.
Staff are proud to work at the school and appreciate that leaders are considerate of their workload and well-being.
The trust works effectively with the school, providing appropriate support and challenge to leaders at all levels. Together, the headteacher, senior leaders and trust staff have made significant improvements to the school in a short amount of time.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Experienced leaders oversee safeguarding. They know when to refer to other agencies to offer support to families. Leaders record incidents and concerns diligently.
Recruitment processes are meticulously managed.
Leaders ensure that all staff receive regular and thorough safeguarding training. This promotes a strong culture of vigilance.
Staff are alert to any signs that may indicate pupils might be at risk of harm. Well-managed systems ensure that any concerns are dealt with in a timely manner. Safeguarding staff act swiftly to ensure pupils get the help they need.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• The implementation of the curriculum lacks consistency. Consequently, some pupils are not sufficiently challenged, while others, including those with SEND, do not have their needs met. Leaders should continue with their coaching plans to ensure that all staff have the knowledge and expertise to help all pupils learn well across all subjects.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.