Earlham Primary School

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About Earlham Primary School

Name Earlham Primary School
Website http://earlham.ekotrust.org.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Co Headteacher Ms Natalie Robinson, Mr Jacob Oudegeest
Address Earlham Grove, Forest Gate, London, E7 9AW
Phone Number 02085346127
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 463
Local Authority Newham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils thrive at this safe and happy school. Leaders develop pupils' knowledge and confidence through a rich curriculum and thoughtful experiences. For example, pupils work with architects to learn about design and construction, practise speaking French at a local café, learn about evolution and inheritance at London Zoo and about Tudor history at Westminster Abbey.

Regular visits to a community garden teach pupils about planting and growing.

Pupils' behaviour is exceptional. They listen attentively, are highly motivated and show respect and kindness to adults and each other.

From the early years upwards, pupils are encouraged to recognise difficult emotions ...and feelings. They are proud of the school's 'calm corners', spaces which they use voluntarily when they need help to feel settled and ready to learn.

Leaders ensure that all pupils take on meaningful responsibility.

In the early years, children are encouraged to take good care of their own possessions and the classroom. Older pupils have important roles within the school. For example, the 'Kindness Crew' support pupils' well-being, the green team organises recycling and language ambassadors support those new to English.

Leaders place great importance on developing pupils' oracy skills to boost their confidence and communication. Pupils articulate their views and consider others' perspectives exceptionally well.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders expect pupils to reach highly ambitious outcomes across the curriculum.

They have thoughtfully selected the concepts, vocabulary and skills that pupils need to learn. These are carefully sequenced in all subjects. Pupils develop exceptionally detailed knowledge across the curriculum, which they recall with ease.

In the early years, for example, children painted self-portraits in the style of Picasso, and made playdough sculptures inspired by Henry Moore. Later, sculptures in a range of styles and visits to many galleries encourage pupils' portraiture skills and knowledge. Pupils produce high-quality artwork and develop a strong appreciation for different artists and art forms.

Subject leaders provide clear direction to teachers about how best to deliver the curriculum. Teachers are knowledgeable. They present information clearly, revisiting important concepts routinely and checking carefully that pupils have understood them.

This enables timely intervention and targeted support. As a result, pupils demonstrate a deep understanding of the subjects they study. For instance, in the early years, children learn to use number bonds with fluency, providing a strong foundation to add, subtract, multiply and divide numbers later.

Older pupils develop a deep understanding of mathematical concepts and demonstrate confidence in problem-solving skills.

Leaders place reading at the heart of the curriculum. They monitor the teaching of reading closely, continuously refining their approach.

Children in the early years learn to blend and segment sounds. Teachers ensure regular, focused practice. They pay close attention to the sounds pupils know, building on their knowledge precisely.

Children in the early years learn to read and spell new words accurately and quickly. Those who need extra help are supported to secure phonics knowledge without delay, which enables them to read fluently. Older pupils engage with a range of literature, reading widely and often.

Leaders plan carefully for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) so that they learn the curriculum. Leaders set clear targets for pupils with SEND across all subjects and keep them under close review. Teachers make adaptations to classroom resources to ensure that pupils with SEND can learn the school's ambitious curriculum in full.

As a result, pupils with SEND develop detailed knowledge across the curriculum and achieve exceptionally well. Leaders are committed to fostering the confidence and independence of pupils with SEND, which is evident in their achievement.

From the early years onwards, teachers encourage the behaviours that pupils need in order to be successful, such as attentive listening and taking turns during discussions.

Children collaborate exceptionally well in activities including shared reading, helping each other with corrections and encouraging one another. They take account of each other's views in lessons. Pupils participate harmoniously in a wide range of playtime activities together.

Playground leaders ensure that all pupils join in. Staff ensure that there is a calm and purposeful atmosphere throughout the school.

Leaders provide a comprehensive programme to support pupils' personal development.

Personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education serves as the foundation of this work, encouraging pupils' healthy choices, promoting their well-being and awareness of the wider world, including other cultures and experiences. Pupils discuss confidently their understanding of healthy relationships and the damaging effects of stereotyping. Pupils are encouraged to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

They begin each morning with fitness activities on the school playground, such as yoga and dancing.

Leaders provide valuable support to staff, enabling them to manage their workload effectively. The governing body and trustees are well informed and actively promote respect and the equal treatment of all pupils and staff.

Trust leaders provide expertise and support.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

The school has strong safeguarding procedures in place.

The school's dedicated safeguarding team is well trained and provides timely support to pupils and families.Staff receive regular, quality training, ensuring that they can identify signs of harm and report concerns.

Immediate action is taken when concerns are raised, both within the school and by working with external services, where needed.

The school actively engages parents and pupils through workshops and assemblies, and promotes a culture of safety. Pupils are encouraged to stay safe, including online, in the community and within relationships. Morning 'well-being check-ins' and identified 'trusted adults' help pupils to report any concerns.

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