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About East Haddon Church of England Primary School
This is an outstanding school. Since the previous inspection, leaders and governors have worked very successfully together to improve the quality of teaching and pupils' achievement. Pupils make excellent progress from their starting points.
Standards in reading, writing and mathematics are well above the national average. By the time they leave school, achievement is outstanding for all groups of pupils, including disabled students and those with special educational needs. The overall quality of teaching is outstanding.
Teachers have very high expectations of their pupils and take great care to make sure that the work set for them is at the right level of dif...ficulty. Teachers offer excellent guidance to students through marking and feedback. Pupils pay close attention to teachers' feedback and make improvements to their work as a result.
Pupils' behaviour is outstanding. They have a genuine appetite for learning and behave exceptionally well, both in lessons and around the school. Pupils are mature and sensible.
They are extremely polite and well–mannered, not just to the adults in the school but also to each other. Pupils are caring towards each other and place a great deal of value on friendship. The school's work to promote spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is excellent.
Pupils have an impressive knowledge of different faiths and cultures, showing tremendous respect and tolerance. The school makes sure that all pupils are safe and secure. Pupils have a very thorough understanding of how to stay safe and talk about the trust they have for the adults who work with them in the school.
Pupils benefit from a wide range of interesting subjects and activities. There are many opportunities for them to practise their reading, writing and mathematical skills across different subjects. They also greatly enjoy the variety of sporting and musical activities on offer.
Early years is good. Children make good progress during their time in the Reception class and grow in confidence. The headteacher leads the school very effectively.
She is supported strongly by the highly competent governing body. Governors also challenge school leaders, asking searching questions to make sure that pupils get the best possible education. Pupils, parents and staff are very positive about the school.
Many pupils agreed that 'there's nothing we would change about our school.'
Information about this school
The school is much smaller than the average–sized primary school. Pupils are taught in three mixed-age classes.
Reception class children are taught alongside pupils from Year 1; pupils from Years 2 and 3 are taught together and those from Years 4, 5 and 6 are taught in one class. All pupils are from White British backgrounds and all speak English as a first language. The proportion of disabled pupils and those who have special educational needs who are supported at school action is below average.
The proportion supported at school action plus, or with a statement of special educational needs, is also below average. The proportion of pupils eligible for support through the pupil premium is well below average. This is additional funding for disadvantaged pupils known to be eligible for free school meals and children who are looked after by the local authority.
Since the previous inspection there has been a change of headteacher. The school works in informal partnership with a cluster of 12 local schools. The school meets the government's current floor standards, which set the minimum expectations for pupils' attainment and progress in reading, writing and mathematics.