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It has carefully considered what it wants pupils to learn and experience. The school has recently made a number of changes to the curriculum. These changes have improved the learning offer that pupils receive.
Pupils get the opportunity to compete in sports competitions. The key stage 2 boys' and girls' netball teams are North-East Lincolnshire champions. Pupils also raise money for different charities and support the local community.
They take part in activities such as sponsored walks and they help out at the local church.
Relationships are strong between staff, parents and pupils at East Ravendale CofE Pri...mary School. Interactions between staff and pupils are caring and nurturing.
Parents say that they get clear and timely information from the school. This includes information about what their children are learning and how parents can support learning at home. Pupils are respectful and treat others as they would wish to be treated.
Pupils behave well in lessons and around the school. Pupils feel safe and happy in school. They say that bullying can happen, but that it is quickly sorted by staff.
Pupils say that how adults address behaviour helps them to self-reflect and to make better choices in the future.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Reading is a priority in the school. This is evident throughout the learning environment and within the wider curriculum.
The school's approach to teaching pupils to read is effective. Children start learning about communication, books and language as soon as they start in early years. Books are matched to the sounds that pupils know, and assessment is used to identify what pupils need to learn next.
If pupils fall behind their peers, this is quickly identified and pupils access extra sessions and interventions to help them to catch up.
Leaders have made changes to the school's curriculum. They have thought carefully about what is taught and the order of this learning.
This is having a clear impact. Pupils are beginning to remember more. They know how to use what they have learned and build on this when learning something new.
However, where these changes are more recent, teaching can be inconsistent. In these lessons, pupils do not develop secure understanding of what they are learning. Some pupils have gaps in their knowledge.
Furthermore, assessment systems in place do not highlight this information clearly to leaders. As a result, leaders are not in a position to address inconsistencies in teaching.
The provision in early years is inviting.
Next steps in learning are identified and the provision is designed to support learning. However, in some areas of the provision, the curriculum is sometimes not organised to support children to be ready for Year 1. As a result, children are not always able to build on their understanding as they progress through school.
The identification of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) is prompt and well informed. Leaders work with external agencies, when needed, to make sure that accurate support is identified. The school involves parents throughout this process.
The school has a detailed understanding of the adaptations pupils with SEND may need. The provision in lessons is effective. Teaching is supported well through adjustments including word mats and practical resources.
This ensures that pupils can access learning alongside their peers.
The school is calm and pupils are polite and caring towards each other. Leaders have high expectations for how pupils behave.
Pupils get the opportunity to develop their talents and interests. Pupils and parents are pleased with the broad range of sports clubs on offer. All pupils get the opportunity to learn a musical instrument.
These include violin, piano and guitar. Pupils enjoy their lessons in religious education (RE). However, they have a limited understanding of the distinctiveness of different faiths.
For example, when pupils share their understanding of different faiths this can include inaccuracies and misconceptions.
Pupils are enthusiastic about the leadership roles that they have in school. These roles have a positive impact on pupils and school life.
An example of this includes 'Kindness Heroes'. Pupils are trained in these roles by staff. This training includes specific breathing exercises that can help pupils to self-regulate.
This training ensures that pupils have the skills and understanding to fulfil the role. Pupils talk with confidence about how the Kindness Heroes have supported them if they have had any worries or they felt upset.
Trustees and governors have the skills and knowledge to hold leaders to account and support the development of the school.
Trustees and governors have an accurate picture of the school. They are committed to investing in the staff. They provide high-quality training so that they are empowered and well placed to support the pupils' learning.
This is recognised and appreciated by staff. Staff are happy and value being actively involved in school improvement.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• The assessment processes used to check what pupils know and understand are not closely linked to what leaders want the pupils to know and remember. This means that leaders are not able to accurately identify strengths and areas for improvement. Leaders should ensure that assessment effectively identifies any misconceptions and gaps in learning to help sustain pupil progress.
• Curriculum thinking is not planned from the early years through to Year 1. Some children move from early years into Year 1 without being as well prepared for their next stage of learning as they could be. Leaders must work together so that the early years' curriculum prepares children well for key stage 1 and that adults in Year 1 use this information to build on pupils' foundation knowledge.
• Teachers do not make it clear enough to pupils that they are learning RE. Consequently, some pupils are not as well prepared for life in modern Britain as they could be. Leaders need to ensure that the RE curriculum is delivered in a manner that supports pupils in understanding different faiths and cultures.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.