East Sheen Primary School

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About East Sheen Primary School

Name East Sheen Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Harry Page
Address Upper Richmond Road West, East Sheen, London, SW14 8ED
Phone Number 02088767484
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 575
Local Authority Richmond upon Thames
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Staff and pupils are rightly proud of their school. Everyone works together to make sure that the school is successful and a happy place for pupils to thrive.

Pupils enjoy their learning and achieve high standards. Teachers inspire them to do their best. Pupils have very positive attitudes, and their behaviour is consistently exceptional in lessons and around the school.

They like to receive 'respect' tokens for being kind and well-mannered to each other and staff.

Pupils relish the many exciting opportunities they have to enhance their learning outside the classroom. All pupils attend a wide choice of clubs that leaders organise, such as karate, Latin, chess... and various sports.

Pupils with musical interests enjoy performing in the choir or orchestra. Staff organise a range of educational outings and workshops that enhance pupils' learning.

Environmental awareness is an important part of the school's curriculum.

Pupils learn about the impact of air pollution from looking at the scientific data collected from the school's 'green wall', for example. Pupils who are 'green ambassadors' help to keep the school's site environmentally friendly.

Staff prioritise pupils' well-being and keep them safe.

Pupils use 'Time to Talk' boxes to express any concerns they may have. They know that staff will help them with any worries or problems.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have constructed an ambitious curriculum, from early years to Year 6.

Pupils study a wide range of subjects in depth. As pupils progress through the school, teachers ensure that they build up secure knowledge and skills across the curriculum. Pupils achieve excellent outcomes, including in reading, writing and mathematics, at the end of Year 6.

Leaders work with teachers to identify the specific knowledge, skills and vocabulary that they want pupils to learn. Teachers are clear about what to teach and when. Leaders support teachers effectively and ensure that they have the subject expertise to teach the planned curriculum.

From early years onwards, staff give pupils a firm foundation for future learning. For example, children in Reception develop basic mapwork skills through looking at the world's continents. They had fun developing their mathematical skills by finding matching number cards.

This prepares them successfully for further learning in Years 1 to 6.

Leaders plan precise points for teachers to revisit essential subject content. Teachers help pupils to remember this content so that they can use it for increasingly complex learning.

For example, pupils in Year 1 learn about simple algorithms in computing. In Year 5, pupils build on this knowledge to develop their programming skills. In mathematics, pupils said that practising 'key instant-recall facts' helps them to tackle new learning.

Teachers meticulously check what pupils have learned. They are quick to pick up and resolve any misconceptions.

Leaders ensure that pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) get the right support, including pupils in the school's specially resourced provision.

Leaders identify pupils' individual needs accurately. Staff know their pupils well. They adapt teaching and provide personalised support to ensure that all pupils achieve highly.

Reading is treated as a priority across the school. Staff are well trained and use a consistent approach to teaching phonics. They use regular checks to identify any pupils who are struggling with reading.

These pupils get extra support which is closely targeted to their phonic knowledge. This helps to ensure that weaker readers catch up quickly. Pupils like reading.

Teachers select high-quality texts to read with pupils in class. Pupils enjoy choosing books to read for pleasure from the well-stocked school libraries.

Leaders set high expectations for pupils' behaviour.

In Reception, staff model positive behaviour such as good manners and taking turns. Children know how they are expected to behave as a result. This exemplary conduct is evident across the school.

Pupils like finding out who has won the 'Helping-Hands Cup' each week. Pupils listen carefully in class and are focused on their learning without interruptions. They support each other.

For example, older pupils act as 'buddies' for younger ones.

Leaders encourage pupils to develop their 'thinking skills', such as how to organise their own learning and to consider things from different viewpoints. Pupils have regular opportunities to discuss and debate moral and topical issues.

Staff teach pupils to be respectful of people's differences. Pupil 'diversity ambassadors' help to raise awareness of equality for everyone. Pupil leadership is well developed, and pupils enjoy taking on roles including as house captains and sports leaders.

The pupil leadership team members play an active role in helping to improve the school. They also help to organise fundraising activities.

Leaders have created a strong sense of teamwork in the school.

All staff support each other so that they can all do the best for pupils. Staff feel valued, and their well-being is of the utmost importance to leaders. Staff benefit from well-planned professional development opportunities.

The governing body provides excellent support to school leaders.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders ensure that staff understand the signs that suggest that pupils may be at risk.

Staff are diligent in logging any concerns about pupils and identifying patterns in pupils' behaviour and well-being. Leaders follow up any concerns promptly and are persistent in making sure that pupils and their families get the right support. Leaders ensure that all the required pre-recruitment checks on staff are completed.

Pupils are encouraged to keep themselves safe. For example, they are taught about stranger danger and staying safe online. Leaders offer a range of therapeutic support and help pupils to manage their emotional well-being and mental health.

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