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This is an outstanding school. Leadership at all levels is of high quality.
Governors, staff and parents praise the ambition and drive of the headteacher in securing rapid improvement in pupils' achievement. Good and outstanding teaching in English and mathematics ensures that pupils make outstanding progress. Teachers' expectations are high; consequently, pupils of all abilities and backgrounds achieve well.
The school provides a wide range of activities and opportunities for learning. The range of sporting and cultural activities is extensive and all pupils are encouraged to participate. Achievement is outstanding.
From starting points well below th...ose typical for their age, pupils' attainment exceeds national averages by the time they leave the school in Year 6. Current school data indicate that these levels of achievement are likely to be sustained. From the time they apply to enter the school, parents are fully involved in their children's education.
This has been particularly helpful in raising the reading standards of younger children. Pupils' behaviour is outstanding. Pupils, parents and teachers report that standards of behaviour have improved significantly over the last two years.
Pupils work and play together harmoniously and have positive attitudes to learning. Provision in the early years is good. Pupils respond enthusiastically to good teaching.
Their reading, writing and calculation skills develop well. School assessments show that most pupils are making good progress, reaching national standards by the end of the Reception Year. A high priority is accorded to safety and pupils are safe and well looked after at all times.
Pupils who have difficulties or problems are cared for exceptionally well. Governors have played an effective role in supporting the leadership team in consolidating the school onto one site and in developing a strong ethos of achievement. `
Information about this school
Eastbrook is an above-average-sized primary school, catering for children from age four to 11, which converted to academy status in 2013.
The school is a member of the Reach2 Academy Trust, a multi-academy trust, offering each other support and sharing expertise. In the early years, children are taught in two full-time Reception classes. The proportion of pupils supported by the pupil premium is above average.
This is additional funding provided by the government to support pupils who are eligible for school meals and those who are looked after. Most pupils come from White British backgrounds. The remainder of the pupils come from a wide range of ethnic groups.
Few pupils speak English as an additional language. The proportion of disabled pupils and those with special needs is above average. The school meets the current government floor standards, which set minimum expectations for pupils' attainment and progress in reading, writing and mathematics at the end of Year 6.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.