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Everyone is proud to be a part of 'LaceyField' as the school is known locally.
Pupils say that their school has got better and better. They are rarely disturbed in class. Adults are always there to help.
They want everyone, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), to be ready for the next stage of their learning.
Children in early years settle quickly into routines. Staff get to know them and their families exceptionally well.
Children enjoy sharing special moments with others during snack time. They get off to the best possible start in nursery and reception. Pupils work and play together happily.
They say... everyone is kind. Playtimes are lively and enjoyable. Pupils explain that the new climbing frames are fun to explore with their friends.
The school day begins with a nurture breakfast for all. Pupils say that they have learned that 'a good start means a good day'. Extra support is readily available for pupils who need more help to start the day well.
Parents and carers appreciate this support and say that staff always make the time to talk. However, too many pupils do not attend school on every day that they could. This is beginning to improve.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
This is a school where everyone is valued. Leaders want adults and children to become 'the best version of themselves'. Staff feel that they have been well supported through a time of change.
Governors, staff and leaders from the trust share an 'academy dream' of creating the right environment where all pupils make the best possible progress.
Adults explain clearly to pupils how to behave. The 'Bee Values' are displayed everywhere.
Pupils remember them well. They say 'you have to follow the bees' to know how to behave. They know that they have to 'bee in charge of themselves', for example.
Pupils listen carefully in class and follow instructions straight away.
All children learn how to 'be brave' in their learning. They become completely absorbed in it.
Adults make sure that children get plenty of chances to practise what they are learning outside. They choose activities skilfully to rapidly build children's knowledge of how to move, for example. Adults know exactly how to make these activities more challenging as children learn to control their bodies better.
All staff know that learning to read is crucial. The youngest children get off to a swift start. Leaders have rightly prioritised phonics for pupils in key stage 1 as well.
There are extra lessons for all during the school day. The books that pupils read precisely match the sounds they know. More pupils are now able to read them well.
Teachers know exactly what to teach next in mathematics. Pupils learn to use the right vocabulary. This means that they can explain their thinking clearly.
Teachers ask questions that help the youngest children to think deeply. Children in the early years are proud of what they have learned. For example, during an activity, children knew straight away that they had used a total of 12 counters to vote with.
In a few subjects, the curriculum has been enhanced recently. Teachers welcome these changes. However, some of these newer curriculums are not yet implemented as well as others.
Activities in science, for example, do not always help pupils to secure and deepen the really important knowledge that teachers want them to remember.
Leaders want this to be a school for everyone. Pupils with additional physical needs get the help that they need.
Pupils who need help to communicate get this support straight away. Leaders work with teachers and parents to organise plans to help pupils with SEND. Occasionally, these plans do not identify with precision exactly what pupils need to learn next.
Pupils revel in their opportunities to help others. The 'Happiness Ambassadors' say they are 'spreaders of joy' on the playground. They use the 'Happy High Five' cards to help pupils become friends again.
Librarians enjoy the responsibility of making sure that the library is tidy. Pupils learn about a range of faiths. They can recall some of what they have learned.
Leaders are working to deepen pupils' knowledge of faith and cultures.
Leaders act quickly when a pupil does not turn up to school. They make their expectations of good attendance clear to all.
Despite this, many pupils' attendance is too low. Staff work closely with parents to help them to bring their child to school every day. These strategies are beginning to make a difference.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders rightly prioritise this work. They make sure that all concerns are taken seriously so that 'no one falls through the net'.
They work closely with external agencies, but also challenge decisions when they feel that these are not in the best interests of children. Governors are assiduous in checking that leaders are managing difficult situations correctly as well as supporting families where necessary.
Staff know precisely what risks their pupils may face.
They make sure that they teach pupils how to manage these risks. For example, pupils learn about the potential dangers in online gaming.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• The curriculum in a few subjects is at an early stage of implementation and staff subject knowledge is developing in these areas.
Sometimes, activities do not enable pupils to build knowledge as well as they might. Leaders should make sure that teachers have the subject knowledge to identify exactly what pupils need to learn so that activities always enable pupils to know more and remember more. ? Occasionally, targets for pupils with SEND are not as precise as they could be.
This means that teachers do not always focus well enough on precisely what some pupils need to know to be able to make the best possible progress. Leaders should ensure that plans for pupils accurately identify the most important next steps that will make the biggest difference to the pupil's progress. Leaders should make sure that these plans are checked, updated and shared with all who are supporting the pupil.
• Too many pupils do not attend school every day that they could. This means that some pupils, particularly those with SEND, do not get all the opportunities that they need to build their knowledge. Leaders should continue to check that the strategies that they are putting in place are making a difference.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.