Eastwood Village Primary School

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About Eastwood Village Primary School

Name Eastwood Village Primary School
Website http://www.eastwoodvillageprimary.org
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Ms Kirsty Beresford
Address Eldon Road, Eastwood Village, Rotherham, S65 1RD
Phone Number 01709374425
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 183
Local Authority Rotherham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Eastwood Village Primary school is a school that celebrates the diversity of its pupils and community.

The school provides a safe and welcoming environment. Pupils are cheerful and enjoy coming to school.

Leaders are ambitious for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and those from the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities.

There are high expectations that all pupils will achieve well. The school responds well to the challenges related to many pupils arriving newly to the country or for whom English is an additional language.

Pupils' behaviour is calm and courteous.

Pupils respond well to the ...school's expectations for how to behave and treat others. The school is a calm and orderly environment where pupils play and learn well together. Relationships in school are founded on mutual respect.

Pupils benefit from the school's exceptional personal development offer. They thrive in a wide range of roles of responsibility. They are proud to take on jobs and contribute positively to the school.'

Language ambassadors' use their ability to speak different languages in providing helpful translation services.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has introduced an ambitious curriculum. Learning is sequenced from early years to Year 6.

In some subjects, including mathematics, the small steps that pupils need to take in their learning have been clearly identified. In these subjects, teachers can accurately check that pupils have gained knowledge. They then use these checks to plan pupils' next steps.

In some foundation subjects, the smaller blocks of knowledge have not been as clearly identified. As a result, pupils do not acquire the same depth of knowledge. Some pupils undertake work that is not well matched to their ability.

A strong focus is put on pupils learning to read. The school's chosen scheme for the teaching of phonics is used well throughout the school. The youngest pupils get off to an excellent start with reading.

Staff are well trained and expertly support pupils requiring additional support, including those with SEND or those who speak English as an additional language.

Many pupils arrive at different times of the school year. A significant proportion of pupils speak English as an additional language and require additional support.

While it is difficult to address these barriers sufficiently to enable pupils to achieve well at key stage 1, the school ensures that long-term support is put in place. This enables pupils' progress to accelerate at key stage 2, where they achieve well.

The early years has a well-planned curriculum.

Children arriving in school do not typically have well-developed language and communication skills. There is a strong focus on developing children's language and vocabulary. Adults in early years skilfully support children's learning and help them to develop independence.

Children respond well to routines and high expectations of their behaviour.

Pupils enjoy being rewarded for good behaviour. At playtimes, they play well together.

Pupils welcome having a choice of playing outside or enjoying quieter time indoors. Pupils appreciate the importance of having good attendance. The school works relentlessly to ensure that pupils' attendance is as high as possible.

Leaders work effectively with families to promote positive attendance.

Pupils' personal development is promoted exceptionally well. The approach to personal, social and health education (PSHE) is very well considered.

The curriculum for PSHE ensures that pupils learn about themselves and how they relate to others in society. Pupils learn about healthy lifestyles and how to keep themselves safe, including when using technology. There are plentiful opportunities for pupils to discuss and debate important issues and questions, for example, 'How can we manage our own behaviour?' Leaders have established a deeply embedded culture of inclusivity, tolerance and mutual respect.

Pupils demonstrate these qualities in their behaviour and in their attitudes to others. Leaders have developed many opportunities for pupils to widen their experience through educational trips and visits. In addition, there are many opportunities for pupils to attend a range of extra-curricular clubs and activities.

The school benefits from the work it does with a wide range of other schools and organisations. Leaders at all levels are committed to ensuring constant improvement. Governors and trustees share the school's ambitions and commitment to serving the pupils, families and community.

They fulfil their important role in holding the school to account effectively. Staff appreciate the investment into their continuous professional development. They enjoy working at the school.

Leaders are mindful of staff workload and well-being.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In some foundation subjects, leaders have not precisely identified the component knowledge they want pupils to learn and remember.

As a result, pupils do not develop the depth of knowledge that they could. Leaders should ensure that they continue to develop sequences of planned learning that identify component knowledge with greater precision so that pupils learn equally well in all subjects. ? The school sometimes does not identify pupils' next steps in learning.

As a result, some pupils experience work that is too hard or too easy. This limits the amount of progress that some pupils make. The school must provide support for teachers to ensure that pupils' next steps in learning are accurately identified.

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