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This is a good school Since the previous inspection, the leadership team has been restructured. Leaders have been relentless in their actions to address weaknesses in provision that were previously identified. Leaders, including governors, correctly recognise the school's strengths.
They demonstrate capacity to continue improving the quality of education the school offers. Pupils' attitudes to school and learning are extremely positive. Pupils are unfailingly proud of their school.
Leaders have built relationships with parents and carers. As a result, parents are increasingly aware of the importance of pupils attending school regularly. Pupils' attendance has ...significantly improved since last year.
Current pupils make good progress in reading, writing and mathematics. Many make very strong progress. The proportion of current pupils reaching age-related expectations and greater depth or higher standards in reading, writing and mathematics is increasing throughout the school.
The impact of the sport premium is not evaluated in a way that allows all leaders, including governors, to analyse it. Disadvantaged pupils who attend school regularly are making very strong progress as a result of well-planned use of the pupil premium grant. Leaders do not fully use systems available to them to analyse pupils' progress from their different starting points across the curriculum.
Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) make effective progress because the leader has a strong understanding of pupils' individual needs and their barriers to learning. Leaders of mathematics, science, reading and writing monitor their subjects particularly well. They offer teachers guidance and resources that enable pupils to make good progress.
Music, modern foreign languages and humanities are not led and taught well enough to ensure pupils have sufficient opportunities to make the progress they should. Staff in Nursery do not use their knowledge of children's abilities to set challenges for the most able children so that they make strong progress. The school's website does not meet statutory requirements because curriculum information and the impact of the pupil premium grant are not available.
Information about this school
Eaton Bray Academy became an academy in April 2011. Its predecessor school was a lower school providing education for pupils aged two to nine. The school expanded into a full primary school in September 2013, offering education for pupils up to age 11.
The school is now an average-sized primary school. Almost all pupils are White British. The majority of pupils speak English as their first language.
The proportion of disadvantaged pupils is below average. In early years, some children have part-time education in Nursery, with some attending full time. Children in Reception attend full time.
The school is not compliant with requirements for the publication of specified information on its website, including full curriculum information, the impact of the PE and sport premium and the pupil premium grant. The school is supported by advisers from the local authority and through a teaching school. Since the previous inspection, leadership within the school has been restructured.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.