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Ecclesall Primary School is a vibrant place to learn.
From children's first days in Reception, staff and older pupils welcome everyone into the school community. Pupils are happy and motivated to learn. Ambition and striving to be the best you can be are part of the mindset at Ecclesall.
A great start in early years provides children with the confidence to believe that anything is possible, no matter what their background and starting point may be.
Leaders have created a curriculum with subject content that is diverse and rich. The content in different subjects is well thought through.
In mathematics, reading and history, teachers bring the subject t...o life with carefully chosen resources. In some subjects, this motivates pupils to read more about the topics covered. Pupils are keen to share with adults their depth of knowledge from an early age.
Pupils behave in a positive manner for the vast majority of the time. Staff quickly address and support pupils who become distracted and bring them back on task instantly. Bullying is extremely rare.
Pupils feel safe in school and know who to speak to if they have any worries. They have complete trust in adults to sort out any issues that may arise.
Opportunities to extend wider interests and talents pupils have are in place.
Clubs, educational visits and residential activities are well attended.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The school is inclusive. Pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), study a broad and balanced curriculum.
The special educational needs coordinator (SENCo) provides detailed information to staff relating to pupils with SEND. Staff use the pupil information provided to them to ensure all pupils are supported fully in lessons.
Leaders have refined the content of all subject curriculum documents.
Reading and computing have particularly new content. Subject leaders in these areas provide useful guidance for teachers. In computing, teachers demonstrate strong subject knowledge and know how to teach important concepts effectively.
Pupils use the subject-specific language appropriately to describe their work.
In subjects such as mathematics and history, teachers check to confirm what pupils know and remember. Activities are closely matched to pupils' prior knowledge.
However, in other subject areas, the use of assessment is not as developed as it could be. This is limiting how knowledge is built over time. Leaders are clear that this is the next step they need to refine and improve.
Plans are in place to address this.
In the early years foundation stage (EYFS), the inside and outside provision is well thought out. The connection between different areas of learning is seamless.
Staff know the children very well. This allows them to support the children well. Children enjoy the variety of resources to explore, from taking the 'log dogs' for a walk to creating their own book based on the story of the week.
Children are confident in the EYFS.
Leaders prioritise reading. Pupils, when asked to name their favourite book, struggled to do so.
This is because 'there are so many to choose from', said one pupil. Strong subject knowledge helps pupils to understand the books they read very well. Recently, Year 6 pupils read 'Goodnight Mr.
Tom'. Their understanding of the Second World War from history lessons enabled them to speak with an awareness of the context of the book. Staff teach phonics daily.
Leaders have ensured that understanding of phonics is strong through staff training. A small number of pupils require additional support to help them to read fluently. The support pupils receive is not focused enough on the gaps pupils have in their phonic knowledge.
At times, the help given does not align with the whole-school approach to phonics.
Support is planned for pupils who have additional learning needs. Training and support offered from the SENCo ensure that pupils' needs are fully understood by teaching staff.
A team of dedicated teaching assistants skilfully supports pupils.
There are clear expectations for pupils' behaviour. Training has ensured that staff can deal with different situations that may arise.
This helps to avoid disruptions to learning. Support to help pupils refine their behaviour is effective at reducing repeated mistakes.
The personal, social, health and economic education curriculum teaches pupils about a range of issues.
Pupils know how to stay safe, both online and in the community. They appreciate differences and value different beliefs. Pupils share their opinions and thoughts in a mature manner.
Positions of responsibility, such as the school council, are prestigious. Pupils enjoy playing an active part in whole-school decision-making.
Governors have a wealth of experience and easy access to training.
This supports them in carrying out their statutory roles and responsibilities diligently. Governors know the school and staff extremely well. Staff feel valued and supported by leaders.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders ensure that all staff have the background checks required for working at the school. Safer recruitment training is up to date and applied in practice.
Governors actively support processes and policies that promote safeguarding. There is a clear, effective system in place for reporting and recording information. The staff know when and how to report concerns about a pupil.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• The planned support sessions for a small number of pupils in reading are not consistently aligned with the school's approach to teaching phonics. As a result, these pupils do not improve their reading as quickly as they could. Leaders need to ensure that the additional help provided to pupils matches the chosen method for teaching phonics.
• Wider curriculum assessment is not fully developed. This means that teachers cannot be sure that the curriculum is having the desired effect on pupils acquiring knowledge. Leaders should ensure that assessment provides information that helps teachers understand what pupils have learned.