Ecclesfield School

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About Ecclesfield School

Name Ecclesfield School
Ofsted Inspections
Mr Richard Walkden
Address Chapeltown Road, Ecclesfield, Sheffield, S35 9WD
Phone Number 01142461156
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 11-16
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1730
Local Authority Sheffield
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are kept safe and learn well in this friendly, welcoming school.

Four core values are evident in everything that happens: work hard, be kind, aim high and show grit. Pupils are keen to do well. They enjoy sharing their knowledge and their achievements.

Staff have high expectations of pupils' behaviour. Behaviour in lessons is calm and focused. Bullying does happen occasionally.

Leaders resolve it quickly. Inappropriate language is heard sometimes but is not tolerated. Pupils' behaviour is typically respectful and kind.

They value being part of the school community.

Pupils study a wide range of subjects, including engineering, computer... studies, drama and photography. The planning and delivery of most subjects is highly effective.

However, religious education (RE) is significantly weaker. In the past, pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) were not consistently well supported. However, this has improved significantly.

A small number of pupils with SEND follow an alternative learning pathway (ALP). This provision broadly meets pupils' needs but some aspects of the curriculum lack ambition.

There is a range of extra-curricular activities to choose from, including boxing and art club.

There is a particularly strong performing arts offer. Pupils speak proudly about the school productions. During the inspection, some pupils took part in an exciting geography field trip to Holderness.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders work with staff to plan an effective curriculum. Planning is detailed. Teachers are clear about the knowledge and skills pupils should develop.

In most subjects, the curriculum builds carefully so that pupils have the best chance of understanding and remembering what they have been taught. However, this is not the case in RE. There is too little coverage of this subject.

What is there is poorly organised. Pupils do not have enough opportunity to study world religions.

Staff check pupils' understanding in lessons.

They challenge misconceptions to keep pupils on the right track. Staff use assessment to check what pupils know and can do. They also use assessment to improve curriculum planning.

Gaps in pupils' knowledge are filled. The curriculum is strengthened so that next time, gaps do not occur in the first place. Pupils with SEND are supported well in lessons.

A small number of pupils in Years 7 and 8 follow the ALP. This curriculum lacks ambition in some areas. As a result, pupils struggle to reintegrate into mainstream lessons in Year 9.

Leaders have made reading a high priority. Pupils who need help to develop their reading are well supported through a range of strategies. This includes opportunities to practise reading aloud.

Pupils also take part in shared reading and discuss texts together.

Pupils generally behave very well in lessons. Lessons are occasionally disrupted but this is not the norm.

Where poor behaviour does occur, staff follow the behaviour policy consistently. Pupils know what is expected of them. The vast majority are keen to learn and stay focused.

Pupils nearly always report bullying. There is an online portal that pupils use to report occurrences anonymously. Most are comfortable speaking directly to a member of staff.

Staff address concerns quickly and effectively.

Staff place a high value on pupils' personal development. Pupils learn about how to stay safe, including online.

They develop knowledge of their own community and the wider world. Pupils learn about other cultures. They are taught to treat other people fairly and with respect.

There is ongoing work to help pupils better understand misogyny. However, they do not consistently remember what they have learned in personal, social and health education (PSHE).

There is a strong careers programme.

Pupils are prepared well for the world of work. There are frequent opportunities for them to find out about jobs in the local area and further afield. Pupils explore their own individual strengths and interests.

Some take up opportunities to lead aspects of school life. For example, they are active councillors in the thriving school council. Some Year 10 pupils help the younger pupils with their reading.

Governors and trustees have supported leaders to transform the school. Staff have ongoing training in important aspects of education, including curriculum planning. Teachers work together to develop the curriculum and share good practice.

This happens regularly in most subjects, including English and mathematics. This approach is very effective in motivating and inspiring staff. Staff morale is very high.

They enjoy coming to work and are proud of the school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff are deeply committed to keeping pupils safe.

Pupils know how to seek help. The relationships between staff and pupils are warm and respectful. Staff act quickly to help pupils stay safe when they need it.

Leaders follow up any concerns raised about pupils' safety or well-being. This work is highly effective. Leaders keep in close contact with families who are struggling to cope and offer lots of support.

They seek help from external agencies, such as mental health agencies, when needed.

Leaders carry out the appropriate checks on new staff to make sure pupils are kept safe.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In most subjects, pupils remember important aspects of what they are taught.

However, in some subjects, for example RE and PSHE, they do not learn and remember enough. There are gaps in pupils' knowledge. Leaders should continue to develop these subjects to make sure the curriculum is covered in depth and that pupils' understanding is secure.

• The ALP is not sufficiently ambitious in some areas. Pupils do not have the chance to learn the concepts they need in order to access mainstream lessons in Year 9. Leaders should continue to develop the provision so that pupils are better able to integrate back into mainstream.

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