Eckington Junior School

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About Eckington Junior School

Name Eckington Junior School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Yvette Cherry
Address School Street, Eckington, Sheffield, S21 4FL
Phone Number 01246432549
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 7-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 144
Local Authority Derbyshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Eckington Junior School has a real sense of community.

Staff, parents and carers, and pupils all talk about the school being a family. One staff member typically stated: 'I love this school as it feels a little like your own family.' All are welcome, no matter where they come from, or their backgrounds.

This is because pupils have a clear understanding of equality and diversity.

The school has high expectations for all pupils to achieve well, especially those with a special educational need and/or disability (SEND). The 'LEARNER's code: listen, effort, attitude, readiness, neatness, empathy, respect and social' helps ensure that these expectations are realise...d.

Teachers explain clear next steps. Pupils self-assess and self-direct their own efforts to become good learners. The rainbow, bronze, silver and gold bands for achieving these steps are highly sought after, even by the staff!

Pupils behave well.'

Stop, look, listen on 1, 2, 3' focuses pupils back onto the lesson task. Relationships between staff and pupils are warm and positive. The key themes of aspiration, community, equality and environment weave throughout the work of the school.

These themes further encourage positive attitudes of pupils to each other, the local community and their view of the wider world.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school works hard to ensure that all pupils develop a love of reading. Rigorous systems check how well pupils can read as soon as they start in the school.

Skilled staff provide bespoke support to those who need it. A sequential approach to teaching reading is applied consistently in all lessons. Teachers challenge pupils thinking and learning with 'four truths and a lie'.

This develops critical thinking and a robust understanding of what the author means. Pupils talk excitedly about the wide range of books the school provides. Reviewing books in assemblies promotes the importance for pupils of reading more widely.

Pupils enjoy reading.

The curriculum is well structured and organised. 'Fast eight' and 'flashback 4' help pupils recall prior learning.

Pupils talk confidently about what they have learned. For instance, in history they recall facts about the Romans, Saxons and Vikings. They link concepts of settlement and invasion across these time periods.

The school ensures that teachers have the knowledge they need to teach subjects well. Teachers pick up misconceptions and correct them swiftly. The use of pre-teaching delivery and activities enables pupils with SEND to access lessons.

Targeted adaptations to learning ensure that these pupils achieve well in lessons. Regular reviews of the curriculum ensure that it is delivered well.

The school identifies the needs of pupils with SEND well.

Work with external support provides staff with the knowledge needed to help these pupils progress. Detailed plans ensure that all staff support these pupils effectively.

The school is a calm place with an excited buzz.

Routines are well established. The school has high expectations of pupils to behave well. Pupils live up to these expectations.

Pupils get on well together. Pupils' attitudes to their learning are positive. They enjoy coming to school.

Although attendance has fallen in recent years, the school has responded well to this recent drop.

Pupils are tolerant and respectful. They care and look out for one another.

While pupils are tolerant and understanding of difference, a few pupils are not aware of the significance of British values to them or have a broad understanding of differing faiths and cultures. This means they are not as prepared as they could be to live in modern Britain. Pastoral support is highly thought of.

The nurture club builds pupils' confidence. There are a wide range of clubs to explore and develop pupils' talents and interests. Pupils talk about the zorb football, glow in the dark dodgeball and fencing as being great fun.

Leadership and management are exceptional. Staff and pupils unite in the delivery of the school's strong vision. The school ensures that staff are highly trained to undertake their roles and responsibilities.

Staff state the school considers greatly their workload. Parents speak highly of the work of the school and consider themselves partners.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• While pupils are tolerant and understanding of difference, a few pupils are not aware of the significance of British values to them or have a broad understanding of differing faiths and cultures. This means they are not as prepared as they could be to live in modern Britain. The school should ensure that pupils have a clear understanding of differing faiths and cultures and an awareness of the significance of British values to them.

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