Edward Wilson Primary School

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About Edward Wilson Primary School

Name Edward Wilson Primary School
Website http://www.edwardwilson.org.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Darren Guttridge
Address Senior Street, London, W2 5TL
Phone Number 02032143930
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 279
Local Authority Westminster
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Leaders have developed a culture in the school where everyone is welcome.

They have high expectations for all pupils. Adults encourage pupils to be themselves and grow in confidence in order to be successful.

Leaders' development of pupils' character is exceptional.

There is a strong focus on celebrating pupils' achievements regularly. This includes a 'kindness medal' award which pupils nominate their class peers to receive for acts of kindness.

Pupils are proud of their school.

Staff know all pupils extremely well, which ensures that they are safe and well supported. Pupils are well behaved during lessons and around the school site. This in...cludes in early years where staff help children to follow routines and instructions.

Pupils have access to a wide range of extra opportunities in the school. These include various sports, art and gardening clubs. There is a thriving student council which helps to teach pupils about democracy.

Alongside representing pupils' views, the council has also helped raise money for various charities.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have designed a curriculum that is ambitious for all. This includes pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Leaders ensure that all subjects meet the ambition of the national curriculum, and in places this is exceeded. For instance, all pupils in the school, including in Nursery and Reception, study Spanish.

Leaders ensure that the curriculum for every subject builds up pupils' knowledge over time.

In Reception, staff think carefully about how children learn across all areas of learning. Teachers have strong subject knowledge and present information clearly. Sometimes, teachers do not check pupils' understanding and address misconceptions systematically.

This means that pupils are not fully ready to learn future content.

Leaders identify pupils with SEND effectively. They ensure specific support is in place for each pupil to enable them to access the full curriculum.

For instance, staff support pupils in the visual impairment resource base to follow the same curriculum as others.

Leaders focus strongly on pupils learning to read from the very start of the Reception Year. Staff are trained effectively in the phonics programme.

They identify and support pupils who fall behind with early reading. The books that pupils read match the sounds that they know. This helps pupils to develop reading fluency.

Teachers read to all pupils every day. Books are well chosen to engage, challenge and help pupils to develop a love of reading. In Reception, staff develop children's communication and language skills effectively.

Pupils have positive attitudes to learning. Leaders ensure that systems to support pupils' behaviour are clear and effective. Pupils value the 'golden ticket' rewards system.

Staff use this to recognise and praise the positive contributions that pupils make. Staff address any low-level disruption quickly, so lessons proceed uninterrupted. In early years, children follow routines sensibly and concentrate on activities.

Leaders have developed an extremely high-quality personal development programme. A well-thought-out curriculum ensures pupils are encouraged to stay safe, happy and healthy, in a sequenced and age-appropriate manner. Pupils access a rich set of wider experiences.

They attend a variety of outings each year, including to museums, the zoo and the local library. All pupils in the school visit a different place of worship each year. External speakers regularly visit the school, including a range of children's authors, a road safety organisation and a 'Victorian' group.

Leaders help to look after the health and welfare of staff. They explore strategies where possible to minimise workload. Staff are supported well with their professional development.

Leaders have built extremely strong relationships with parents and carers. They offer a number of parental sessions on themes including online safety and reading. The governing body understands the strengths and priorities of the school and carries out its role effectively.

It provides appropriate challenge and support to leaders.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders have put clear safeguarding systems in place.

Staff identify and report any concerns. There is a strong culture of safeguarding where everyone feels a shared responsibility. Leaders take swift actions to any concerns raised.

Pupils are taught to keep themselves safe and how to recognise and report concerns. Leaders understand the potential local safeguarding risks. They work effectively with external agencies to provide specialist support for pupils.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Sometimes, teaching does not identify and clarify pupils' misunderstandings. This means that pupils are not fully ready for future content. Leaders should develop the expertise of all teachers so that they identify and address any gaps in pupils' understanding consistently and in a timely manner.

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