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This is a good school that has built effectively on the many strengths found at the last inspection.
Pupils achieve well and make good progress in their learning. Attainment is above average in most areas of learning at the end of the Reception year and in reading, writing and mathematics by the end of Year 2. Attainment at the end of Year 4 has improved since the previous inspection and has been well above national expectations in English and mathematics over the last two years.
Teaching is good and teachers usually plan their lessons well, providing pupils with varied and stimulating learning opportunities. Occasionally, these are not matched closely enough to the full range of learning need...s in the class. Pupils are clear about their targets and benefit from a great deal of individual support, clear explanations and verbal feedback about their work.
The marking of pupils' books is encouraging but does not always inform them about how a piece of work could be improved. Parents and carers rightly believe that behaviour and safety are good. The school has a warm, family atmosphere in which pupils are valued as individuals and their social development is promoted outstandingly well.
The school is led and managed well. The executive headteacher, senior leadership team and governing body provide clear direction to its work. There is a good track record of school improvement based on accurate and realistic self-evaluation, although findings from ongoing monitoring are not always formally recorded.
This makes it more difficult for leaders to identify quickly patterns in performance. The federation has already begun to have a positive effect on the school's capacity to improve and brings opportunities for developing further the role of subject leaders and that of the governing body.
Information about the school
Eileen Wade Lower is much smaller than most schools of its type although the number on roll has increased in recent years, with several pupils joining the school other than at the usual starting time.
The school serves the needs of the four small villages in its immediate area but also takes some pupils from further afield. Currently, all pupils are from White British backgrounds. The proportion of pupils known to be eligible for free school meals is below average.
The proportion of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities is below average, though the school has seen an increase in the percentage requiring additional support in some year groups. Pupils are taught in two mixed-age classes. An after-school club is managed by the governing body.
There have been a number of staff changes since the previous inspection and the current team has been in place since September 2010. When the previous headteacher left in 2008, her position was filled by an executive headteacher. This arrangement was formalised in September 2011 with the federation of Eileen Wade Lower and Milton Ernest Lower School, whereby the two schools share an executive headteacher and governing body.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.