Elburton Primary School

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About Elburton Primary School

Name Elburton Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Keith Smithers
Address Haye Road South, Elburton, Plymouth, PL9 8HJ
Phone Number 01752404489
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 2-11
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 465
Local Authority Plymouth
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils, including pupils with special educational needs and /or disabilities (SEND) flourish at Elburton Primary School.

The expertly planned curriculum enables pupils to enjoy learning and achieve very well.

The school prioritises the development of pupils' character. Through the curriculum, pupils develop exceptionally strong citizenship skills.

For instance, pupils articulate with knowledge the importance of free speech and the rule of law. They learn about democracy through voting for the school council. Pupils have a profound understanding of the importance of equality and mutual respect.

Throughout the school, pupils demonstrate empathy, kindne...ss and respect in their interactions with each other.

Pupils enjoy a breadth of opportunities to develop their knowledge of the world beyond school. For example, pupils develop leadership skills through roles such as 'mini police officers'.

Pupils develop their physical and mental health very well through swimming and a range of sports. They have opportunities to deepen their knowledge of science and technology through the STEM club. They develop their singing skills through the weekly singing assembly where they also practise their Makaton signing with expertise.

Children in Reception Year develop their knowledge of the world through engaging with visitors such as lifeboat volunteers.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has extremely high aspirations and expectations for all pupils, including pupils with SEND, to achieve socially, emotionally and academically. Pupils achieve consistently above the national average published outcomes in phonics, reading, writing and mathematics.

The school has expertly designed the curriculum to enable and support pupils to continually build on their prior knowledge. Consequently, pupils are able to learn progressively more complex concepts as they move through the school. For instance, in English, pupils learn how to identify complex linguistic features and apply them in their own writing with impressive skill.

Pupils' oracy skills are developed enabling them to rehearse and share their ideas very well. From pre-school, children's language and communication development is prioritised. Activities are carefully planned to generate and extend children's talk so that they can communicate their thinking and needs.

For instance, Reception children were observed discussing knowledgeably how to save shipwrecked people with their make-believe lifeboat.

Reading lies at the heart of the curriculum. From pre-school to key stage 1, children and pupils learn to read very well.

The early reading curriculum is planned with expertise enabling all pupils, including those who struggle, to read with fluency and understanding. Leaders are meticulous in checking pupils' reading knowledge and ensuring that teaching is adapted to meet pupils' learning needs. Pupils across the school are effusive about reading.

They relish the opportunities to read independently and listen to their teachers read novels. In the early years, children respond with excitement and enthusiasm to stories. They develop their knowledge of early reading through the repetition of rhymes, poems and classic tales very well.

Pupils, including children in the early years, with SEND receive exceptional support enabling them to learn without barriers. The school's vision to enable all pupils with SEND to excel is realised through the curriculum. Through a forensic approach to identifying the strengths and needs of pupils, the school ensures that they study a meticulously planned curriculum.

As a result, pupils with SEND are fully engaged with learning and thrive in the school.

The early years curriculum enables children to develop socially and emotionally very well. Children learn to share, take turns and form strong friendships.

Reception children regularly visit a local care home where they learn to interact with kindness and respect with older people. The breadth of well-planned activities enable children to develop their mobility and manual dexterity. They also stimulate children's imaginative interpretations of the world in a safe, play-based environment.

For instance, children were observed 'cooking' cupcakes with seeds and leaves. Children are thus enthused by school.

Pupils' attendance is very strong.

Similarly, pupils' behaviour is exemplary. Through warm, nurturing relationships with staff, pupils learn to regulate their emotional responses to the world around them. The exceptional curriculum stimulates pupils' curiosity.

They are eager learners. When behaviour issues arise, the school applies highly personalised approaches to managing pupils' behaviour which are highly effective.

Leadership, including governance, is exceptional.

There is a shared vision of excellence. The board of trustees and the local governing body support and challenge the school with rigour. Staff are overwhelmingly proud to work at the school.

They value the support for their workload and well-being. Parents who responded to the online questionnaire were effusive about the quality of provision.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Also at this postcode
High 5 Elburton

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