Elizabeth Garrett Anderson School

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About Elizabeth Garrett Anderson School

Name Elizabeth Garrett Anderson School
Website http://www.egaschool.co.uk/
Ofsted Inspections
Executive Head Teacher Ms Sarah Beagley
Address Donegal Street, Islington, London, N1 9QG
Phone Number 02078370739
Phase Secondary
Type Community school
Age Range 11-16
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Girls
Number of Pupils 865
Local Authority Islington
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are exceptionally well supported to succeed at Elizabeth Garrett Anderson School.

Leaders' ambition for pupils to develop both academically and socially and to 'learn without limits' is fully realised. Pupils are ambitious for what they can achieve, and staff encourage this through high expectations. One parent, expressing the views of many, described the school as being 'an empowering environment for girls'.

The school has designed a broad and ambitious curriculum. As a result, pupils develop secure subject knowledge. They achieve very strong examination results in a wide range of subjects.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SE...ND) do equally well. This is because teachers are skilful practitioners who make well-considered adaptations for these pupils.

Across the school, behaviour and conduct is exemplary.

Pupils are polite and courteous, demonstrating highly positive attitudes to their learning. Pupils are happy and kept safe. This is because staff and pupils share highly respectful relationships, which creates a culture where all are valued.

Pupils are highly supportive of their peers and are excellent ambassadors, keen to contribute to the wider life of the school. They seize every opportunity to participate in the wide range of extra-curricular opportunities on offer through the school's 'super curriculum'.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has carefully considered the starting points of pupils before they arrive in Year 7.

It has in place a range of activities that assist pupils in their transition from primary school. Staff have set out precisely the most important knowledge that pupils need to learn in each subject. Learning is sequenced logically so that it builds on what pupils already know.

The curriculum matches, and often exceeds, the scope of what is expected nationally. Most pupils study the suite of subjects that make up the English Baccalaureate in key stage 4.

Consistently high-quality teaching from staff who are experts in their subjects means pupils develop a deep understanding of subject content.

Teachers carefully check pupils' understanding of what has been taught, picking up on and addressing misconceptions swiftly. They use their expertise to introduce and model new knowledge and techniques. Pupils practise using this new knowledge.

They use the feedback and guidance that teachers provide to further improve their work.

The school identifies pupils with SEND effectively. Detailed plans are put in place to support their learning.

Teachers understand the specific needs of pupils and are well trained to enable them to access the full curriculum. The school places a high priority on reading. Appropriate specialist support is put in place for pupils who struggle and need help to catch up.

Pupils are highly supportive and respectful of each other. Classrooms are calm and focused. The approach that staff take to encouraging positive behaviour is consistent and fair.

Teachers have positive working relationships with pupils. As a result, pupils are willing to answer questions and to take risks. They listen carefully to their teachers and each other, asking interesting questions that demonstrate their curiosity to learn.

The wider personal development of pupils is a considerable strength of the school. Pupils study a carefully crafted programme that prepares them well for life in modern Britain. For example, they learn about tolerance and diversity, including discussing the 'thought for the week' in daily tutor sessions.

Pupils enjoy taking part in 'identity day', where they learn about the importance of respect for other cultures. Pupils can choose from a high-quality range of enrichment opportunities, such as debating, choir, oil painting and a range of sporting clubs. These help pupils broaden their skills and develop their confidence.

Pupils learn about how to manage their physical and mental health as well as how to stay safe online. High-quality careers guidance is provided throughout the school, ensuring pupils are well informed about their next steps.

Staff benefit from high-quality training and professional development.

Early career teachers receive excellent support. All staff are well informed about appropriate safeguarding procedures, and systems for reporting concerns are well understood. The school works with staff to ensure they are supported in their workload and well-being.

Parents and carers are very positive about their children's experiences at this school. Knowledgeable governors provide highly effective challenge and support to school leaders.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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