Elthorne Park High School

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About Elthorne Park High School

Name Elthorne Park High School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Steve Ward
Address Westlea Road, Hanwell, London, W7 2AH
Phone Number 02085661166
Phase Secondary
Type Community school
Age Range 11-19
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1574
Local Authority Ealing
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is an outstanding school The achievement of pupils has improved steadily and significantly in recent years. Pupils leave the school with excellent outcomes across a wide range of subjects. The headteacher and his senior team lead the school with compassion and ambition.

Over several years, leaders have skilfully nurtured a community which is both inclusive and highly aspirational. Governors know the school well. They actively support leaders in their drive to improve outcomes for all pupils, particularly disadvantaged pupils.

Subject leaders are highly skilled in improving the quality of teaching and learning. A culture of continuous improvement is deeply... embedded in the school. This means that pupils are resilient in their learning and that teachers learn from each other to refine their practice.

Leaders have maintained an impressively broad curriculum. Throughout the curriculum, teachers possess excellent subject knowledge. They combine this with very good knowledge of the pupils they teach to ensure that pupils in all year groups make outstanding progress.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) make excellent progress. They benefit from high expectations and a commitment from teachers and leaders to understand their individual needs. Pupils who start school with low levels of literacy make rapid progress in key stage 3.

The tailored support they receive enables them to catch up with their peers. With very few exceptions, pupils behave impeccably in lessons. Pupils are confident in sharing their views and listening to each other.

Communication with parents and carers is highly effective and enables parents to support their child's learning. Students in the sixth form make strong progress from their starting points. They particularly benefit from teachers' deep subject knowledge.

They are well supported in choosing their courses and in their applications for higher education and employment. However, progress is not as consistent across the sixth-form curriculum as it is in other year groups. The school's mission is 'achieving excellence in a learning community'.

It fulfils this mission outstandingly well.

Information about this school

Elthorne Park High School is larger than the average-sized secondary school. Approximately one in five pupils are from disadvantaged backgrounds, which is below the national average.

There is a greater proportion of pupils than average who speak English as an additional language. There is an additionally resourced provision on the site which caters for pupils who have additional needs relating to speech, language and communication. A very small number of pupils attend alternative provision at Ealing Alternative Provision and CATE Centre.

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