Emley First School

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About Emley First School

Name Emley First School
Website http://www.emleyschool.co.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Helen Cameron
Address School Lane, Emley, Huddersfield, HD8 9RT
Phone Number 01924326802
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 4-10
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 139
Local Authority Kirklees
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Emley First School's mission, 'learning and growing together with kindness, confidence, and high aspirations', sums up the school's determination to provide an exceptional education for every pupil. Pupils rise to the school's consistently high expectations.

They are very well prepared, academically and socially for the next stage of learning.

Pupils' attitudes to learning and to each other are exemplary. They are keen to learn and always try their best.

Pupils are rightly proud of the work they produce. Pupils show remarkable empathy for others. They are always ready to lend each other a hand in learning and play.

Older pupils take on leadership rol...es. For example, some pupils are 'sports leaders' or part of the school's 'care crew'. These pupils make sure everyone is active, and included, at breaktimes.

Bullying is not tolerated here. Pupils say this is a 'telling school'. They know that adults will help them to resolve any disagreements.

The school provides an impressive range of experiences that enrich pupils' learning. They enjoy trips to the seaside and theatre visits. Pupils are ambitious about their futures.

They learn about different careers from a range of professionals who visit the school. Every pupil learns to play several musical instruments. Music and performance are highly valued aspects of school life.

Pupils flourish at this school.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The curriculum is broad and ambitious for all pupils. This includes pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Staff deliver subject curriculums consistently and skilfully. They check pupils' knowledge and provide timely intervention. Children leave Reception with a firm foundation for future learning.

Pupils of all ages have an impressive depth and breadth of knowledge across the curriculum. They use subject-specific vocabulary accurately in their explanations. The work pupils produce is exceptional in content and presentation.

The school places a strong emphasis on developing a love of reading. Children are immersed in stories from the start of Reception. They enjoy acting out the familiar, traditional stories they hear.

Teachers read to pupils every day. Pupils look forward to meeting up with their 'reading buddy' each week to read together. Staff deliver the phonics scheme with great skill and consistency.

They provide expert support to make sure that everyone keeps up. Pupils rapidly become competent readers.

Pupils with SEND study the same curriculum as their peers.

The school supports all pupils to learn as independently as possible. Pupils with SEND use discreet visual cues to alert staff when they need help or time out. Staff provide pupils with highly personalised strategies and resources.

Pupils with SEND learn subject curriculums well and achieve highly.

The school has carefully planned routines. Staff implement these very effectively.

Pupils become purposeful and resilient learners. In lessons, and at breaktimes, older pupils set an excellent example for the younger ones to follow. Children in Reception develop the social skills that help them to be successful throughout school.

Pupils value and respect diversity of all kinds. They understand that sometimes, in the wider world, people may be homophobic or racist. Pupils are very clear this is wrong and does not happen at their school.

The school's support for pupils' wider development is exemplary. Opportunities for pupils to learn about themselves and their world are woven through the curriculum. Pupils learn how to take good care of themselves physically and mentally.

Pupils benefit from a wide range of visits and visitors to school. Pupils gain first-hand experiences that bring the curriculum to life. For example, pupils in Years 4 and 5 go on a residential visit to an outdoor activity centre.

Outdoor learning is a greatly valued part of school life. Pupils look forward to their weekly visit to the outdoor learning area. They explain that this helps them learn science, geography, mathematics and English.

Pupils understand the value of being active citizens. They know that their leadership roles help to shape life in school. The school is a valued part of the local community.

Pupils take part in many local events, including acts of Remembrance and local fundraising activities.

Staff are proud to work at the school. They feel valued and supported.

Staff appreciate the high-quality professional development they receive. Leaders are considerate of staff's well-being and workload. Many parents and carers support the work of the school through giving their time and expertise.

Governors know the school exceptionally well. They provide highly effective support and challenge for school leaders.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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