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Energy Coast UTC is a welcoming and nurturing place for pupils to learn.
Pupils are happy here. They told inspectors that they are treated as individuals and they can be themselves. Leaders have high expectations of pupils' achievement and behaviour.
Typically, pupils achieve well. Students in the sixth form also learn well.
Pupils enjoy learning in well-equipped engineering suites.
They take part in high-quality work experience with prestigious employers. Most students successfully move on to education, employment or training, including apprenticeships.
Pupils are polite and friendly.
They enjoy positive relationships with each oth...er and with their teachers. Pupils behave in a calm and respectful way in class and around the school site. Students in the sixth form behave very well.
Pupils feel safe. They know that staff will listen and help them if they are worried about anything. On the very rare occasions on which bullying occurs, leaders deal with it effectively.
Pupils benefit from a vast array of activities that help them to develop their confidence, such as the Combined Cadet Force, sports clubs, visits and overseas trips. They enjoy participating in a range of clubs, including chess, robotics and green power car. Students in the sixth form value the opportunity to take on responsibilities, such as leading the charity and environmental societies.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders, the CEO and governors are highly ambitious for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). They enable pupils to develop into well-rounded individuals who are ready for the world of work. Leaders have developed an appropriate curriculum, including in the sixth form, that meets the needs of local employers in areas such as engineering and construction.
The published outcomes in 2022, relating to pupils' achievement, do not accurately reflect the quality of education that the school provides. This is because pupils join the school in Year 10 from a wide range of backgrounds and experiences. For example, many pupils have experienced a disrupted education and have had poor rates of attendance in their previous schools.
Consequently, some pupils have significant gaps in their knowledge, skills and understanding when they start in Year 10. Nevertheless, leaders ensure that pupils have an effective transition from their previous schools into Energy Coast UTC. This timely support helps pupils to settle quickly into their studies, and most learn well.
Leaders have improved the organisation of subject curriculums. They have identified the knowledge that pupils must learn and have thought carefully about the order in which this knowledge should be taught. Most pupils and students develop an appropriate range of specialist subject knowledge.
Teachers skilfully use their specialist subject knowledge, including that of industry, to present and explain information clearly to pupils. This helps pupils to deepen their learning. However, in some subjects, teachers do not use leaders' assessment systems effectively enough to identify some of the gaps in pupils' subject knowledge.
Some teachers do not use this information as well as they could to inform future learning. At times, this hinders some aspects of pupils' achievement. This includes some students in the sixth form.
Reading is promoted well throughout the school. Leaders accurately identify pupils who need extra help with their reading knowledge. Those pupils who find reading more difficult receive appropriate support from staff.
This is helping pupils to catch up with their reading knowledge. Leaders and teachers make sure that pupils have opportunities to read each week. This is enabling pupils to develop their confidence and fluency in reading.
The small number of pupils with SEND follow the same curriculum as their peers. Leaders identify the needs of these pupils swiftly. Leaders have improved the level of information they provide to teachers about the additional learning needs of pupils with SEND.
Teachers use this information well to ensure that the needs of pupils with SEND are met. This is helping pupils with SEND to learn more as they move through the school.
Leaders work closely with pupils when they enter Year 10 to manage their emotions.
Those pupils who have difficulty in managing their behaviour get the additional support they need. As a result, instances of poor behaviour, including suspensions and exclusions, are reducing quickly. In lessons, pupils concentrate well because lessons are rarely disrupted.
Leaders' actions to raise overall rates of attendance have led to improvements for some pupils. However, there is a small number of pupils who do not attend school regularly enough. Consequently, these pupils miss out on essential learning.
Staff provide a range of support for pupils' mental health and well-being. Pupils and students receive age-appropriate relationships, sex and health education. They learn about respect for people's differences.
Pupils find out about different faiths and beliefs. They are well prepared for life in modern Britain.
Pupils, including students in the sixth form, speak highly of the careers guidance they receive.
This includes learning about apprenticeships and participating in well-designed visits to employers and universities. This allows pupils to make informed choices about their future career pathways. Some students who leave the school after Year 12 do so because they have been offered a high-quality job opportunity.
Leaders are mindful of staff's workload. Staff enjoy working at the school and appreciate the training available to them. Governors are knowledgeable.
They support leaders well. Governors hold leaders to account effectively for the quality of education that pupils receive.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
There is a culture of vigilance in the school. All staff and governors have completed training in safeguarding. Staff are aware of the signs of abuse.
They know what to do if they have any concerns about a pupil's welfare or safety. Leaders are tenacious in following these up. Safeguarding records are detailed.
Leaders have ensured that there are very effective links with a range of external agencies, such as local social services and the police, to support and protect pupils. Pupils and students are taught about risks, such as county lines, knife crime and unwanted sexual behaviour. They know how to keep themselves safe, including when online.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• At times, teachers do not check carefully enough how well pupils, including students in the sixth form, have learned new subject content. As a result, some teachers do not reshape learning as well as they could to help pupils and students improve their knowledge and understanding. Leaders should ensure that teachers accurately identify and address gaps in the knowledge of pupils and students so that they know and remember more over time.
• A few pupils do not attend school as often as they should. They miss valuable learning time, which negatively impacts on their achievement. Leaders should continue to support these pupils to improve their attendance.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.