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This is a happy and welcoming school where pupils thrive. There is a strong sense of community, both within the school and beyond. The school's vision of 'sowing the seeds for a flourishing future' permeates through all that it does.
The school is ambitious for all pupils, and the curriculum enables them to achieve well. Pupils describe the school as 'amazing', 'positive' and 'nurturing'.
From early years onwards, pupils are exceptionally well behaved.
They show high levels of respect and kindness towards one another. Staff know all pupils well and build strong, caring and trusting relationships with them. Pupils are confident about what to do and who to tell... if they have concerns.
Speaking for many, one pupil said that staff 'always support us'.
Pupils value the wide range of opportunities that are available in school. They enjoy clubs such as choir, netball and beekeeping.
Pupils play an active part in their community, including through supporting the local food bank and contributing to the 'Englefield Flower Show'. The school uses the local environment to bring the curriculum to life. Pupils learn in the surrounding countryside and grow vegetables in 'Ruby's Garden'.
These experiences help to deepen pupils' understanding and appreciation of the wider world.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The school has designed an ambitious and aspirational curriculum for all pupils from the early years through to Year 6. Staff are adept at identifying and providing for the needs of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities.
All pupils achieve well because the school has very high expectations. They are well prepared for their next stage of education.
Teachers have secure subject knowledge.
The school has ensured that teachers have had training on the curriculum to ensure they understand fully what must be taught. For example, in mathematics, teachers design activities that require pupils to revisit and consolidate the knowledge they have learned previously. This helps to strengthen their understanding.
In a few subjects, the school is developing ways of checking what pupils understand and remember. Where this is the case, gaps in pupils' knowledge are sometimes missed and pupils cannot see how learning connects and builds over time.
Reading is at the heart of the curriculum.
As soon as children start in the Reception Year, they begin to learn letters and the sounds they make. Pupils read books that match the sounds that they learn. Extra support is provided for pupils who start to fall behind with their reading knowledge.
In key stage 2, regular reading fluency lessons help pupils to read with confidence and expression. Pupils read a wide range of literature and enjoy class texts that are selected to support learning in other subjects. Pupils of all ages develop a real love of reading.
Pupils demonstrate exemplary behaviour. This begins in the early years, where children are motivated and engaged in all areas of learning. Teachers set consistent routines from day one.
These become habitual and children show impressive independence. Lessons are interesting and pupils want to learn. Some pupils need help, such as sensory breaks, to keep their focus.
This extra support helps them to thrive. Pupils have high levels of attendance. This is because the school supports families well and promotes the benefits of regular attendance.
The school's work to support pupils' wider development is a real strength. It provides pupils with rich developmental experiences, such as residential trips, that help to build their resilience and team skills. Throughout the curriculum, pupils gain a strong understanding of diversity and equality.
They learn skills to help them to navigate the world around them safely, such as road safety awareness, online safety strategies, and how to swim. Diversity awareness days inspire pupils' well-being and understanding of how everyone's minds work differently.
Pupils attend a wide range of clubs that help to extend learning beyond the school day.
The school places a strong emphasis on character development and how pupils can be excellent role models. Responsibilities such as being buddies, librarians and school councillors are just some ways pupils support others in the school. These roles help to build a strong sense of community.
Leaders, including the governing body, have a strong shared vision of high-quality education for all pupils. Staff appreciate the support they receive from leaders to develop professionally and to manage their workload and well-being. Staff morale is high due to the strong sense of team work that exists at the school.
Parents and carers speak highly of the school. Parents said that they value the school's nurturing quality and its family feel.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• In some subjects in the wider curriculum, the school has not embedded an approach to successfully check pupils' understanding. This means that, sometimes, pupils' learning does not build on what they already know and gaps in knowledge are not addressed. The school should strengthen its approaches to assessment in the wider curriculum so that pupils develop a deep and interconnected understanding of their learning.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.