Euxton Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School
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About Euxton Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School
Euxton Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School
Pupils are excited to come to school. They love the imaginative ways that staff bring learning to life. Pupils enjoy the calm and nurturing atmosphere.
They are well cared for by staff. They feel safe to express their own opinions and views. All this makes them feel happy and safe.
Pupils treat each other with kindness. Their conduct is exemplary.
The school sets high expectations for pupils' achievement.
Staff skilfully develop pupils' knowledge so that pupils excel academically and expand their interests. They have ensured that they develop pupils' understanding of the wider locality and world.
There is an extensive range of activities in to supplement the curriculum.
The school makes the best use of the expertise in its community. For example, parents add their specialist skills to support pupils' learning, such as a journalist inspiring pupils to write and a specialist to develop pupils' knowledge of computers.
Pupils have a wide range of experiences to extend their learning, such as the numerous options that pupils have to develop their musical talents, including playing in a rock band.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The school has designed an exceptional curriculum that engages pupils' interests. The school clearly defines the key knowledge that it wants pupils to learn in each subject. This ensures that staff are crystal clear about what they need to teach.
Staff check on pupils' learning with precision to ensure that there are no gaps in pupils' knowledge. As a result, pupils develop a detailed understanding of the topics they learn.
The school also identifies the needs of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities at an early stage in their education.
Staff provide highly effective adaptations to teaching to enable these pupils to successfully access the same curriculum as their peers. As a result, they achieve well.
The school has implemented a new programme to further improve pupils' phonics knowledge.
Staff deliver the programme exceptionally well across the early years and in key stage 1. Knowledgeable staff provide comprehensive support for pupils who find it hard to learn to read. As pupils progress through the curriculum, they read with increased fluency, expression and understanding.
Pupils' behaviour is impeccable. Their eagerness to learn means that lessons take place without interruption.
In the early years, the school has ensured consistency in the delivery of the curriculum.
This is despite several staffing changes that have led to a new team of staff being established. Children behave well and have settled to routines quickly.Staff have created a stimulating environment to support children's acquisition of language skills.
The activities to develop children's knowledge are usually well thought out. However, some tasks do not encourage the depth of children's learning well enough. This is improving, but there is a little way to go to match the intensity of learning seen in the rest of the school.
Pupils have an excellent knowledge of other faiths and religions. They respect each other's opinions and value difference. They have a strong understanding of the principle of equality.
They understand fundamental British values well. The school is highly responsive to pupils' needs. There is a very wide range of clubs on offer, such as a coding club and a mindfulness club.
These are carefully tailored to meet pupils' needs. Staff also provide specialist support for pupils' mental health, where appropriate. Nothing is too much trouble for the dedicated staff at this school.
The school provides meaningful opportunities for parents to get involved with their child's education. For example, in the early years, the school offers sessions for parents to understand how the curriculum is delivered. Parents are also invited to meet their child's class teacher at the start of the year to develop links between school and home.
Governors perform their roles exceptionally well. They are active in ensuring that the school's values underpin the improvements to the curriculum. The school supports staff well.
Staff appreciate the efforts that leaders take to consider their workload. As such, staff are on board with the direction for school improvement so that everyone is continually striving to make the school's provision even better.