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This is a good school Evelyn is a school where children discover that learning is fun and anything is possible. The headteacher's passion and commitment to educating children shines brightly in this school.
As a result, many aspects of school life are innovative and 'magical'. The enthusiasm and commitment of the deputy headteacher and wider leadership team have a positive impact on the school's capacity to improve further. Governors know the school well and contribute to its success.
Improvements, following a dip in standards, have resulted in pupils making good progress through school. Pupils rise to the high expectations that teachers successfully model and... they benefit from the good teaching they receive. Pupils are encouraged to talk about their learning.
The curriculum is rich with experiences for pupils. It is distinct, diverse and offers pupils many opportunities to learn about the world. Teachers' subject knowledge is good.
Personal development is outstanding. As a result, pupils develop as empathetic, sympathetic and considerate citizens, with a care for themselves and the local and world community. Pupils conduct themselves well around school.
They enjoy receiving a range of responsible roles and accolades. They take these duties to model good conduct seriously and with pride. Leaders are attentive in their responsibilities for safeguarding.
As a result, pupils feel very safe in school. Children have a good start to school life and make good progress from their starting points. Leadership and teaching in the early years are good.
The achievement of pupils, including the most able, in mathematics and reading does not match that in writing. Checks on the progress of pupils are not rigorous enough to provide detailed information from which leaders and governors can robustly challenge staff. Assessment information is not used precisely enough in lessons to meet all pupils' needs.
Pupils, particularly the most able, are not always challenged to think more deeply and practise their reasoning skills. Teaching sometimes does not capture and sustain the interest of pupils sufficiently. Teachers sometimes do not deal with pupil's misunderstandings as they learn, which leads to confusion and slower progress.
Information about this school
This school is an average-sized primary school with one form of entry throughout. The very large majority of pupils are of White British heritage. The proportion of disadvantaged pupils is just below the national average.
The proportion of pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities is above the national average. The school meets the government's current floor standards, which are the minimum expectations for pupils' attainment and progress in reading, writing and mathematics by the end of Year 6. The school meets requirements on the publication of specified information on its website.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.