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From the moment they join, pupils at Everton Heath Primary School live out the school's motto of 'learn, grow, thrive'.
From the early years through to Year 6, children play and learn happily. They embrace every aspect of school life. Pupils are safe in the school's nurturing environment.
Pupils are calm and considerate of others as they move around the school. In the classrooms, they listen attentively and learn well. Pupils know the adults have high expectations of them.
They try their best to meet these.
The school is highly inclusive. Pupils are very accepting of the differences between them.
The needs of pupils with special educational ...needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are identified quickly, so that they can be supported to access the same curriculum and opportunities as their peers.
The school offers pupils a range of enrichment experiences. A morning club provides exciting activities that give pupils a positive start to each day.
Events, such as the Young Voices concert in Birmingham or a trip to Shuttleworth Aerodrome, enhance the curriculum and extend pupils' horizons.
Pupils enjoy their roles as school councillors or Year 6 ambassadors. They are proud of their school and enjoy playing their part in making it even better.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The school has been through a period of change. Leaders, supported by the trust and governors, have established a strong vision for the school. They have made significant and rapid progress towards realising this.
For example, to address historically weaker outcomes for some pupils, the school has overhauled its curriculum. The resulting curriculum is broad, balanced and ambitious. It has been carefully crafted to meet the needs of the school's mixed-age classes.
The curriculum starts in the early years. Children are well-prepared for later learning. For example, children in the pre-school and Reception classes use technology to record their learning through photos and videos.
This prepares them for computing lessons in key stage 1. The curriculum builds pupils' learning progressively over time. It revisits concepts often and deepens pupils' knowledge.
However, historic weaknesses in the curriculum mean that pupils have gaps in their knowledge. For example, in some subjects, pupils do not use subject-specific language when talking about their learning.
Teachers explain new learning clearly.
In lessons, they assess how well pupils are learning, using skilful questioning. Teachers adapt their teaching in the moment, if necessary. In some subjects, such as reading and mathematics, there is a clear system for checking how well pupils have achieved the aims of the curriculum, at the end of a unit of work.
Teachers and subject leaders use these checks to plan support for pupils with gaps or to make improvements to the curriculum. However, in some other subjects, this form of assessment is still in development.
The school has taken effective action to make reading a priority.
Children develop a love of reading in the early years, where adults share stories with them often. This stays with pupils as they move through the school. They choose from a selection of high-quality texts in their class book corners or in the newly refurbished library.
Phonics is taught well. Pupils learn the sounds they need to become fluent readers. Those who struggle get the focused support they need to succeed.
Teachers adapt their teaching and design activities so that pupils with SEND can access the same curriculum as their peers. These pupils progress well thanks to the effective, tailored support they receive.
The school supports pupils to behave well, through clear routines and consistent modelling of positive behaviours from adults.
Pupils have very positive attitudes to learning. From the early years onwards, pupils develop confidence, resilience and a desire to learn. Most pupils attend well.
If a pupil's attendance causes concern, the school acts quickly to support improvements.
Pupils are prepared for life in modern Britain. For example, children in the Reception class learn about voting systems, where they vote daily for a story.
In personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE), pupils learn about healthy lifestyles and healthy relationships. Older pupils learn about peer pressure. In religious education (RE), pupils learn about different world religions.
They show tolerance and respect for diversity in all its forms.
Staff are proud to work at the school. They value the networking and professional training opportunities provided by the West Village Partnership and the wider trust.
Trust and school leaders have been mindful of staff workload and well-being during the period of change.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• There were historical weaknesses in the curriculum.
While the curriculum has been reviewed and improved, pupils have gaps in their learning in some subjects, particularly around their use of subject-specific language. The school should ensure that curriculum plans, from the early years through to Year 6, identify the language pupils need to learn alongside each topic or subject. The school should ensure that this is taught explicitly and reinforced regularly to strengthen pupils' learning across all subjects.
In some subjects, the school's systems for assessment are not yet fully developed. This means that teachers and curriculum leaders do not address gaps in pupils' knowledge or adjust curriculum plans as effectively as they could in these subjects. The school must continue to work on achieving clarity and precision in its approach to assessment across all subjects, so that it can identify gaps in pupils' knowledge, adapt curriculum plans and achieve its ambitious vision for all pupils.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.