Fair Field Junior School

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About Fair Field Junior School

Name Fair Field Junior School
Ofsted Inspections
Acting Executive Headteacher Davinia Leggett
Address Watford Road, Radlett, WD7 8LU
Phone Number 01923856341
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 7-11
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 228
Local Authority Hertfordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school The acting executive headteacher and acting head of school provide strong leadership and successfully promote pupils' learning. They ensure that all pupils receive a good education.

Leaders have secured a broad and rich curriculum that meets pupils' academic, social and emotional needs. Pupils are kind and very supportive of each other. Governors have provided appropriate support and challenge.

They have a breadth of experience which they bring to their work with the school. Parents are unanimous in their praise of the school. They value highly the support and care that staff provide for their children.

Pupils' achievement across... the curriculum is good and improving. Pupils make good progress in reading, writing, mathematics and science. The leadership's unwavering commitment to improving standards in teaching and learning has ensured that the quality of teaching is consistently good.

As a result, pupils enjoy learning and make good progress. The teaching of writing is very effective. Pupils gain a strong understanding of how to construct writing for a range of purposes and audiences.

Pupils have many opportunities to practise their writing throughout the curriculum. The teaching of science is a strength of the school. Pupils develop and apply scientific skills such as observation and analysis.

Pupils are keen to investigate the world around them. The school ensures that all pupils are safe. Pupils are aware of internet safety and know how to keep themselves safe.

The curriculum helps pupils to develop robust strategies to ensure their physical safety and emotional well-being. Pupils' behaviour and relationships are outstanding. Their conduct both within class and around the school is exemplary.

Pupils are highly attentive in class and respond with enthusiasm to tasks and activities. The school provides a rich programme of trips and activities to extend pupils' understanding of the topics they study. For example, pupils visit Hatfield House to support their study of the Tudors.

Disadvantaged pupils do not make consistently good progress in every area of the curriculum. Although the pupil premium funding is used effectively, monitoring and tracking of disadvantaged pupils' progress are not consistently effective. Pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities are not consistently making good progress in every area of the curriculum.

Information about this school

The school meets requirements on the publication of specified information on its website. The school complies with Department for Education guidance on what academies should publish. The school is smaller than the average primary school.

It converted to an independent academy in 2015. The proportion of pupils supported by pupil premium funding is below average. The proportion of pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities is above the national average.

The proportion of pupils with education, health and care plans is in line with the national average. The majority of pupils are White British. The school meets the government's current floor standards, which set the minimum expectations for pupils' progress and attainment in reading, writing and mathematics by the end of Year 6.

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