Fair Oak Infant School

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About Fair Oak Infant School

Name Fair Oak Infant School
Website http://www.fairoakinfant.co.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr David Peart
Address Botley Road, Fair Oak, Eastleigh, SO50 7AN
Phone Number 02380692207
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 5-7
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 418
Local Authority Hampshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school? '

Infants can do anything'. This is the mantra that leaders believe, staff support and Fair Oak pupils live up to.

This ambition for pupils reaches into many aspects of the school and shows in pupils' character. From Reception, children learn from the school's values to be caring, collaborative, reflective, respectful, creative and to persevere. Pupils of all ages display these attributes, both in class and during breaktimes.

They take pride in their achievements, displaying their awards on their uniforms and celebrating their own and others' successes. Parents and carers appreciate this, telling inspectors how 'lucky' their children are to attend the school.

...Pupils feel safe because of the kind and caring culture of the school community.

Pupils look after anyone who is sad or lonely, and any instances of poor behaviour or bullying are quickly identified and addressed by staff.

Pupils enjoy the broad curriculum, which covers a wide range of subjects. Pupils learn what makes subjects unique, laying the foundations for future learning.

For example, in science, pupils learn to predict, test and analyse their findings. In art, they learn how to shade and colour to show shadow and perspective. Such knowledge prepares pupils well for their junior education and beyond.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The curriculum is organised and planned so that staff know what to teach and when. Staff are knowledgeable and teach with clarity and enthusiasm. They receive useful training to understand the content themselves and how best to deliver this.

Subject leaders break their subject's curriculum into small chunks and, in most instances, ensure that new knowledge builds on what pupils already know. On some occasions, this content is arranged to fit 'topics' rather than following a logical sequence. This makes it harder for pupils to understand new content and deepen their understanding of the subject.

Right from the start, children in Reception begin to learn phonics through the school's agreed sequence. They continue to build their knowledge through Years 1 and 2, learning and recognising increasingly complex combinations of sounds. Staff all use approaches that pupils are familiar with.

However, the school does not currently have sets of reading books that precisely match the sounds that pupils have learned. This makes it hard for pupils to practise reading.

Staff read a wide range of texts with pupils that broaden their literary and cultural understanding.

Children in Reception were delighted to share the stories of Kes Gray with inspectors. Older pupils learn about equality through texts such as 'Girls can do anything' by Carly Hart.

Staff use assessment information and evidence from nurseries to accurately identify pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Leaders have established strong links with families and external agencies, which they use to assess, support and review provision for pupils with education, health and care plans. However, for other pupils on the SEND register, individual teaching staff are expected to adapt the curriculum. The quality of support provided for these pupils in subjects beyond English and mathematics varies.

Leaders have already begun to address this.

Staff carefully plan activities that will help pupils to broaden their knowledge of the world around them. Pupils often begin learning a new topic by taking part in trips or events that give them a basic understanding of a concept.

For example, pupils experienced a planetarium before learning about the solar system.

Pupils learn how to look after their bodies and minds. They build on this by considering how to look after others and to be a good friend.

Pupils' knowledge of friendship and manners is reflected in their kind and courteous actions. They consider their impact on the local area. For example, pupils recently worked with the parish council to organise a litter-pick in the local village.

Pupils behave well because staff model and praise positive behaviour. Systems for rewarding and challenging pupils are consistently used and applied across the school. Pupils work hard in class and focus on their tasks.

Occasionally, pupils can become distracted when working independently. Leaders provide useful support to families, helping them to rebuild positive morning routines and increase pupils' attendance at the school. Attendance of pupils, including for those who are disadvantaged, has remained high because of the strong oversight and support provided by the school.

Governors are knowledgeable and skilled. They work alongside leaders to develop strategic plans and check that these are working as intended. Governors offer leaders useful support to help them achieve their goals.

For example, governors have organised support for the school to improve the provision for pupils with SEND. Leaders and governors are determined to improve staff well-being. They share work equitably among staff and provide appropriate time to complete tasks.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Systems for checking and training staff are rigorous. Staff know how to identify both immediate concerns and the small changes in behaviour that indicate that something might be wrong.

They use the agreed reporting systems well, providing leaders with the right information to support families.

Pupils learn to identify and manage risks at an age-appropriate level. They learn about whom they should trust and when to share secrets or worries.

Pupils know how to stay safe online and what games are appropriate for them to play. They understand that their bodies are their own, having studied the NSPCC's 'Talk PANTS' curriculum.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• The books the school uses do not always contain the sounds pupils know, meaning that pupils cannot practise and apply their phonics knowledge.

Leaders should finalise their plans to invest in additional books, so that pupils read from books that contain the sounds they have learned. ? The support for pupils on the school's SEND support register is currently determined by class teachers rather than leaders. This means that the adaptations made to help pupils to access the curriculum are variable in quality, specifically in the foundation subjects.

Leaders must ensure that they develop clear and effective systems to plan and review the provision for these pupils. Leaders and governors are aware of this issue and have sought appropriate external support to address this. For this reason, the transition arrangement has been applied.

• Some units in the foundation subjects organise content in an illogical order to try and fit in with the aims of a topic. This hinders pupils from making links between new knowledge and what they have learned previously. Leaders should review these subject plans to ensure that the content taught builds on prior learning over sequences of lessons.

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