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Fairchildes Avenue, New Addington, Croydon, CR0 0AH
Phone Number
Academy converter
Age Range
Religious Character
Does not apply
Number of Pupils
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this school?
Everyone in the school's community plays a part in making this a safe, caring and highly ambitious school.
Pupils routinely take on roles of responsibility in the school, including as 'Hallway Heroes' and 'Playground Pals' to help make the school a calm and purposeful place.
Staff share the highest ambition for pupils' achievement. The curriculum is meticulously planned and reviewed to ensure that each pupil receives the support they need to succeed.
Consequently, pupils get off to a flying start, are very well prepared for their next stage of education and achieve exceptionally well across the curriculum.
Enthusiasm for learning in an orderly enviro...nment is the standard here. From the early years onwards, pupils' excellent behaviour is underpinned by well-established routines that mean no time is wasted.
Pupils listen attentively in lessons and try their best.
The school's ambition for pupils' education extends beyond the classroom and includes the school's comprehensive and thoughtful enrichment programme. This captures pupils' imagination, developing their knowledge, skills, talents and interests.
Clubs such as steel band, opera, cooking, knitting, chess, street dance and football are just a sample of what is on offer here. Pupils benefit widely from these experiences.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Over time, the school has carefully developed an ambitious curriculum that helps pupils to learn deep and connected knowledge.
Subject content is sequenced so that pupils secure basic facts and principles before using these to help them understand more sophisticated ideas. In history, for example, pupils learn about the Roman Empire, the Vikings and Anglo-Saxons before going on to compare how ancient societies lived. In religious education, pupils learn about the practices and beliefs of world religions to help them understand how religion informs different world views.
In art, pupils use their considerable knowledge of artists, different influences and techniques to create a wide range of high-quality artwork pieces. In the early years, children quickly gain a secure grasp of number that enables them to work efficiently and accurately in making calculations later.
Leadership at all levels is highly focused on ensuring that all pupils receive the very best opportunities the school can offer.
Close work between the governing body, trust and school leaders maintains focus on the steps needed to achieve this aim. The school provides staff with excellent development opportunities. For example, regular professional dialogue helps staff to find ever-better ways to deliver the curriculum.
This contributes to staff's detailed subject knowledge. Staff express their pride at being an important part of the school's improvement work.
Teachers check pupils' understanding rigorously and address any misconceptions that pupils may have swiftly.
They carefully select the best approaches to help pupils understand and remember key concepts in the curriculum. As a result, pupils' knowledge develops in detail across the curriculum, including in the early years and for pupils in the additionally resourced provision (ARP).
Reading has a high profile here.
Pupils discuss books with confidence and enthusiasm, including whole novels and a range of genres. Children in the early years have many opportunities to share and enjoy stories together. Pupils in Year 6 who are 'Reading Pioneers' play a key role in promoting the love of reading.
These pupils spread the school's message that, 'Reading is not just work, it is for pleasure,' and they read regularly with younger pupils.
Pupils who are at the early stages of learning to read gain the knowledge they need to read with fluency quickly. Daily phonics sessions and routine reading practice support them effectively.
Staff have expertise in teaching early reading and phonics. They provide prompt additional support to any readers who are at risk of falling behind, with a clear focus on pupils' needs. As a result, weaker readers catch up quickly and learn to read with confidence.
Support for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) is based on a detailed understanding of individual needs. Staff review these regularly to ensure that pupils' learning is personalised. Pupils with SEND achieve highly here, including those in the school's ARP.
They access the school's full curriculum.
Pupils' behaviour is exemplary. They treat one another with high levels of respect and kindness.
The school is a harmonious place where pupils learn without interruption. Pupils attend school regularly. The school works with parents and carers to encourage high attendance rates.
The school's carefully planned personal development programme teaches pupils how to stay healthy and safe. For example, pupils are taught about healthy relationships, how to stay safe online and about the importance of respecting people from different backgrounds and cultures.