Fairfield High School for Girls

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About Fairfield High School for Girls

Name Fairfield High School for Girls
Website http://www.fairfieldhighschool.co.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Miss Fiona Lealman
Address Fairfield Avenue, Droylsden, Manchester, M43 6AB
Phone Number 01613701488
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 11-16
Religious Character None
Gender Girls
Number of Pupils 983
Local Authority Tameside
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils achieve exceptionally well academically because they access a well-designed curriculum that is delivered very effectively. Leaders have incredibly high expectations of pupils' academic achievement.

The overwhelming majority of parents and carers who shared their views said that their child does well at this school.

Most pupils feel safe and happy in school. They understand that leaders have high expectations of most aspects of their behaviour.

The majority of pupils meet these expectations, which means that learning is rarely disrupted. Pupils are consistently well mannered and respectful towards adults. Leaders deal with most bullying well when it hap...pens.

Leaders at all levels have a shared vision of the 'Fairfield girl' that they want pupils to become. They give careful thought to the experiences that they can provide to raise pupils' aspirations. For example, Year 8 pupils take part in an 'inspiring women' event.

Pupils have opportunities to take positions of responsibility, such as being part of the head girl team or the Fairfield Forum Leadership Group. These experiences help to prepare pupils well for further education, training and/or employment when they leave school.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have created a learning environment characterised by ambition.

They are committed to addressing social disadvantage by supporting pupils to achieve academically. Pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), experience a broad and balanced curriculum. Leaders ensure that pupils leave school with the qualifications that they need to succeed.

Subject leaders have identified the important knowledge that they want pupils to know. They have organised it carefully, which helps pupils to build their knowledge over time. Teachers are experts in their subjects.

They explain important concepts clearly. Pupils develop rich subject knowledge.

Leaders have recently made changes to how teachers check pupils' learning in key stage 3.

These changes have helped teachers to focus sharply on identifying pupils' misconceptions and any gaps in their learning.

Leaders prioritise reading. They have a robust approach to identifying pupils who are behind in their reading.

Expert teachers provide a range of support to meet the needs of each pupil. This helps pupils to catch up quickly. Leaders have developed strategies to promote a love of reading among pupils.

These include choral reading and events designed to immerse pupils in the world of a particular story. These dynamic experiences help to encourage pupils to read widely.

Leaders and teachers provide excellent support for pupils with SEND.

Pupils' needs are quickly identified. Teachers receive detailed information about how to adapt their delivery of the curriculum to help these pupils to learn well. Teachers use these strategies effectively.

As a result, pupils with SEND know and remember more over time.

The school environment is calm and orderly. Pupils successfully manage their own behaviour as they move around the building.

Most pupils have positive attitudes towards their learning. However, some groups of pupils, including those with SEND, do not attend school as often as they should. As a result, they do not fully benefit from the high-quality education available to them.

Leaders have created a personal development curriculum which includes teaching pupils about human rights and how to stay safe in an age-appropriate way. Pupils have access to a strong careers programme. They are provided with a wealth of information which means that they are well prepared for their next steps.

Leaders at all levels strive to create a culture of inclusivity. Pupils learn about the protected characteristics. However, some pupils use discriminatory language and leaders do not deal with this consistently well.

As a result, some pupils do not feel confident about reporting the use of such language.

Leaders constantly reflect on how to improve the quality of education that they provide. Trustees hold leaders to account.

Most staff appreciate the support that leaders give them to manage their workload. Staff enjoy working at this school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders ensure that staff are well trained to enable them to identify pupils who might be at risk of harm. Staff know how to report safeguarding concerns.

Leaders work well with external agencies to provide the necessary support to pupils who need it.

They are proactive in identifying areas of concern and developing the capacity in school to support pupils, most recently around mental health. Leaders use the personal development curriculum to teach pupils about how to stay safe. For example, pupils learn about the dangers of drug misuse.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Some groups of pupils, including pupils with SEND, do not attend school as often as they should. Therefore, they miss learning and do not fully experience all that the school has to offer. Leaders should take effective action to improve the attendance of pupils, including those with SEND.

• Leaders do not have a sufficiently robust approach to dealing with discriminatory language. This undermines the culture of inclusivity that they aim to create. Leaders should ensure that they have systems in place to deal with discriminatory language effectively so that differences are respected and, where they are not, pupils have confidence that this will be addressed.

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