Fairfield School

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About Fairfield School

Name Fairfield School
Website http://www.fairfield.school
Headteacher Mrs Lesley Barton
Address Fairfield Way, Backwell, BS48 3PD
Phone Number 01275462743
Type Independent
Type Other independent school
Age Range 2-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 129
Local Authority North Somerset
Boarding Type Day
Day Fees £436 to £3,525

Fairfield (including Lambs Nursery) is an outstanding coeducational primary school (ages 2-11) with small classes and a secure, stimulating environment where pupils fulfil their potential and develop self confidence and high self-esteem. The curriculum is broad, creative and theme/topic based and enriched by visits, speakers and extra curricular activities. Fairfield has an outstanding record in preparing children for transfer to senior schools at 11.

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