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Apollo Avenue, Fairfields, Milton Keynes, MK11 4BA
Phone Number
Free schools
Age Range
Religious Character
Number of Pupils
Local Authority
Milton Keynes
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this school?
Pupils are rightly proud to be part of a happy and inclusive community. 'The Creed' is an important aspect of school life. Pupils embody many aspects of it in their day-to-day approaches to school.
They celebrate difference, they are motivated to do well, and they respond with kindness to others.
Staff have high expectations for all, and pupils are keen to rise to challenges set for them. They know that staff want the best for them.
Pupils enjoy talking about all aspects of their school, including the clubs that they attend and the learning that they enjoy. Pupils value the vast range of opportunities to develop their individual talents, including arts and cr...afts clubs, and sports. They understand the role that the school plays in their own development and the role they play in developing the school.
As one pupil said, 'This is a special place to be; our views are listened to and we can make a difference.'
Pupils feel safe and appreciate how much the adults at school care about them. Pupils respond maturely to the routines in place to support positive behaviour.
As a result, behaviour is consistently exceptional. Pupils are confident that any incidents of bullying are dealt with quickly by adults.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff are wholly united as a team to provide high-quality education for all pupils.
From Nursery upwards, pupils are supported well to gain the knowledge and skills they need to thrive. Staff are highly skilled and demonstrate their excellent subject knowledge through clear explanations and interesting activities. Pupils across the school have positive attitudes towards their learning.
Lessons and social time are calm and purposeful. Teachers help them, from the moment they arrive at school, to be able to confidently work independently. In Reception, for example, personal, social and emotional development sits at the heart of learning.
Children display excellent self-regulation and interact positively with their peers.
Leaders have carefully thought about what progression looks like within each subject area. They are ambitious for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
In most subjects, pupils with SEND achieve well. In mathematics, the content selection and order in which it is taught in has been carefully considered. Regular and purposeful assessments in mathematics and English help teachers to plan their next steps in teaching.
This means that pupils' misconceptions and gaps in learning are responded to quickly. As a result, most pupils achieve well and they remember the important content needed before more complex content is taught. In some foundation subjects, assessment information is not yet effectively used.
Reading has a high priority in the school. Most pupils become fluent readers quickly. Pupils who struggle to read in key stage two benefit from regular targeted phonics interventions to support their reading.
Leaders have further plans to ensure that all staff in key stage two are early reading experts, in order to ensure that pupils are provided with effective support in lessons to improve reading rapidly.
Leaders focus on making sure that all pupils receive a broad and engaging learning experience. Leaders have planned in detail what pupils will be taught in personal, social and health education (PSHE).
Pupils are taught important content that helps them to be safe and also understand their responsibilities within the community. This is complemented by a rich range of opportunities to support pupils to learn and take responsibility for safety and kindness within the school. Pupils spoke with particular relish about the leadership opportunities they are given within the school, including the school council, safeguarding ambassadors and junior forum.
Leaders, including those responsible for governance, demonstrate a relentless drive to positively impact the lives of all pupils. Pupil well-being and success sits at the heart of their decisions. They have made rapid improvements in safeguarding while maintaining a positive school community.
The staff inspectors spoke to feel well supported and valued by leaders at all levels. They are equally ambitious for all pupils. Local governors work closely with the trust to drive positive outcomes for pupils.
Together, they are passionate and knowledgeable advocates for the pupils of the school and provide appropriate support and challenge to school leaders.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Staff at Fairfields prioritise pupil safety and well-being.
Since the last inspection, leaders have provided refresher training and refined their practices for record-keeping and monitoring. Leaders act swiftly in making decisions and they follow up every action. They work closely with support from the trust and external agencies to continually assure themselves that they are making the right decisions at the right times to keep all pupils safe.
Staff demonstrate a clear understanding of how to identify pupils at possible risk of harm and a secure knowledge of what to do to support them. Pupils know what to do if they are worried about something and are confident to share their concerns with adults.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• The assessment system for some foundation subjects does not yet identify precisely what pupils know and can do as a result of the taught curriculum.
This means that what is taught next in the sequence of learning is not always informed by what pupils show they know and can do. Leaders must ensure that pupil assessment information usefully details exactly what essential knowledge pupils know and do not know. Teachers can then adapt their next steps of teaching accordingly, to ensure that all pupils know more and remember more.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.