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Pupils are happy and well cared for at this school.
They build strong relationships with the kind and helpful staff. Every pupil has a leaf on the 'be kind to your mind' tree which encapsulates the inclusive and nurturing ethos of the school.
The school's vision to 'expect success' is clear in the high expectations set for pupils' learning and behaviour.
Pupils show impressive levels of confidence and independence with their learning. They work hard in their lessons and achieve well across much of the curriculum. Pupils are kind and respectful in their interactions with each other and school staff.
They enjoy their breaktimes when they explore their ...pirate ship and play games with their friends.
Pupils benefit from a wealth of well-considered additional opportunities. The school makes the most of cultural experiences in Southampton through visits to museums and engagement with local services.
Pupils enjoy their trips and meeting visitors to the school. These activities bring their learning to life.
Parents and carers feel part of the school community.
They appreciate their communications from the school and their invitations to attend events, such as themed workshops. There is a sense that everyone is welcomed as part of the 'Fairisle family'.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The school has a clear and appropriate curriculum in all subjects.
Recent curriculum reviews have ensured there is a sequenced learning journey in every subject. This includes consideration of how learning begins in the school's Nursery and its Reception Year. The school takes pupils' starting points into account.
Opportunities to develop oracy and vocabulary are particularly prioritised. For example, traditional tales and nursery rhymes are used well to promote discussion and language in mathematical learning.
Pupils are supported well with their reading.
Staff are trained to teach reading through a phonics-based approach. There is consistency in the way phonics terminology is used. Pupils break down words into sounds and blend them together to read with increasing fluency and confidence.
Pupils who need extra help with their reading are supported well and this means that they catch up quickly.
In lessons, teachers use questioning effectively to check how well pupils are learning. They give pupils clear feedback and address any misconceptions.
Pupils are supported to remember key knowledge. This is because lessons routinely include recaps of previous learning. This is particularly strong in mathematics where pupils practise and consolidate their understanding and then apply it in problem-solving.
In many subjects, the school gathers information to check that pupils are learning what they need to across the curriculum. In a few subjects, where there have been recent curriculum revisions, the school does not yet know the impact of these changes. This means that sometimes pupils' gaps in their knowledge and skills are not known.
On an individual basis, pupil's needs are accurately identified and addressed. This means that pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities are supported well and therefore achieve in line with their peers.
The school's provision for pupils' personal development is exceptional.
It is underpinned by a well-designed programme for personal, social and health education. The emphasis on pupils' character development is highly effective. Pupils show impressive levels of empathy and understanding about cultural diversity and difference.
Recent work with a local university provided pupils with meaningful opportunities to debate and discuss social issues. They introduce and lead initiatives to fundraise for local charities and look after the environment. Pupils play an active role in school decision-making through democratic voting systems.
There are many examples of the genuine and purposeful use of pupil voice.
Pupils behave well and enjoy their learning. They demonstrate the school values to 'learn, be safe and be the best they can be'.
This is evident with the children in the Nursery and Reception Year who listen carefully and show sustained levels of concentration. The school communicates with parents about the importance of high school attendance. However, there are too many pupils who have high levels of absence from school.
This means that these pupils miss valuable learning time and do not benefit from the richness of the school's wider opportunities.
The governing body have an accurate picture of the school. They receive the information they need to be able to evaluate the impact of their work and the school's strategic priorities.
Staff value their training and professional development opportunities. These are well-established through the strong relationships with schools in the foundation trust and with the local authority.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• In a few subjects, the school does not have clear oversight about how well pupils are learning. This means that gaps in pupils' knowledge and skills are not identified and addressed. The school should continue with work to embed meaningful assessment procedures so that they can be sure that pupils are learning what they need to.
• Persistent absence of some pupils remains high. As a result, these pupils do not fully benefit from the education and wider opportunities that the school offers. The school should continue with their work to improve pupils' attendance and evaluate the impact of their actions.