Faringdon Community College

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About Faringdon Community College

Name Faringdon Community College
Website https://www.fccoxon.co.uk/
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Phil Bevan
Address Fernham Road, Faringdon, SN7 7LB
Phone Number 01367240375
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1422
Local Authority Oxfordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school Leaders are deeply committed to doing their very best for pupils. Staff support this ethos wholeheartedly. Their ambitious and determined work supports high standards of care and attainment across the school.

Leaders have a wealth of information about standards in the school. This directs their work well, but not as precisely as it might. Consequently, less successful aspects of the school, such as progress of disadvantaged pupils, improve gradually rather than quickly.

Governors and trustees challenge leaders successfully about the quality of teaching and its impact on pupils' outcomes. The trust's capacity to support the school effectiv...ely has been strengthened further by recent personnel recruitment. Pupils are engaged by effective teaching that, overall, helps them to make good progress.

Teachers use their strong subject knowledge to plan useful learning experiences for pupils. Leaders' vision for making teaching even better is underdeveloped. Typically, standards are high.

Overall, pupils' attainment by the end of Year 11 is above national comparators. However, some disadvantaged pupils do not attain as well as other pupils nationally, reflecting below-average progress from their starting points. Pupils benefit from rich and varied opportunities that support their taught curriculum well.

As a result, their personal development is very strong, and they are equipped very well for life beyond school. Careers information and guidance is well developed. Pupils receive timely and impartial advice that guides their next steps successfully.

As a result, high numbers stay in education, employment or training at the end of Year 11. Pupils respond well to teachers' high expectations. They conduct themselves well and work hard in lessons.

An atmosphere of respect and courtesy is evident throughout. Safeguarding is effective. Pupils' welfare is at the heart of the school's work.

Leaders ensure staff are knowledgeable and vigilant regarding risks to pupils' safety. Their swift actions are successful in protecting vulnerable pupils. Disadvantaged pupils and those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are well looked after.

However, some do not attend school as often as they should, which affects their progress. Provision in the sixth form is good. Students experience a suitably broad academic curriculum that is taught well.

Leaders' determined actions have addressed recent underachievement successfully.

Information about this school

Faringdon Community College is a school for pupils aged 11 to 18. It incorporates a sixth form which delivers an almost exclusively academic curriculum and consists mainly of pupils who attended the school during key stages 3 and 4.

The school is growing in size, with eight tutor groups in Year 7 compared with seven tutor groups in Year 11. The school opened when the predecessor school converted to become an academy. It is the founder school in the Faringdon Academy of Schools multi-academy trust (MAT), which also incorporates seven local primary schools.

All these schools are judged to be good or outstanding by Ofsted. The MAT delegates responsibility for governance to a local governing body. Currently, the same person is chair of the trust and of the local governing body, as a temporary arrangement.

Some members of the trust, including the chief executive officer, are very recently appointed to their posts. The school has not been inspected since it opened as an academy in April 2012. The predecessor school was judged to be outstanding at its most recent inspection in May 2008, making it exempt from routine inspection.

The headteacher took up his post full-time in September 2016. Prior to that, he shared responsibility for headship with his predecessor, who was also the executive headteacher of the trust. Most pupils are of White British origin.

Only a very small proportion are believed to speak English as an additional language. These include a group of pupils who attend the school for a year while their parents are studying at the nearby Defence Academy. The school is in an area of low social deprivation.

A lower-than-average percentage of pupils are eligible for free school meals. A broadly average proportion of pupils are identified as having a special educational need. A very small number of pupils attend part-time alternative provision at Meadowbrook College or with a local employer.

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