Field End Junior School

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About Field End Junior School

Name Field End Junior School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Jacqueline Phelan
Address Field End Junior School, Ruislip, HA4 9PQ
Phone Number 02088668752
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 7-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 315
Local Authority Hillingdon
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils feel safe at this friendly and welcoming school. The school has done much work to ensure that pupils learn well and are supported effectively. The school has high expectations for the achievement of all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Pupils are motivated to learn in class and their conduct is orderly and calm around the school. Where pupils struggle to meet expectations, the school takes prompt and effective action to support them. The school teaches pupils about the importance of respect and resilience.

Pupils enjoy school and attend well.

Many pupils attend clubs including chess, crochet, dodgeball ...and sketching. Pupils have opportunities to take up responsibility, including as house captains, school council representatives and reading rangers.

Pupils also take part in charity work and have developed a pen-pal scheme with a local care home, where the school choir also performs at Christmas.

The school builds effective relationships with parents and carers to create a sense of community. Staff feel valued and are dedicated to the school.

Leaders are evaluative and strategic in their efforts to move the school forward and foster a nurturing environment.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school provides an ambitious curriculum, which is carefully sequenced to build on pupils' previous knowledge and deepen their understanding over time. For example, when studying art and design, Year 4 pupils draw on their study of the satirical poem 'The New Vestments' to influence their own textiles work.

Leaders provide staff with high-quality professional development. Teachers have strong subject expertise and pupils typically produce high-quality work that they are rightly proud of.

Teachers select approaches that make learning memorable for pupils.

Key vocabulary is routinely taught to pupils and teaching promotes useful discussions about what pupils have learned. Teachers have thorough information about the needs of pupils with SEND and make adaptions effectively so that they are supported to learn the curriculum alongside their peers. However, teaching does not routinely check that pupils have understood important concepts before moving on to new content.

Likewise, teaching does not support pupils, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), to reflect routinely on their learning or act on feedback from teachers to build on what they already know.

The school makes reading a priority. As such, the curriculum is built around books.

Texts chosen are varied and engaging for pupils with some ambitious choices reflecting a range of writers. Teachers familiarise pupils with a range of genres and develop pupils' comprehension skills with expertise. Leaders quickly identify pupils who require additional support and provide the help they need to catch up, including through the teaching of phonics.

As a result, pupils develop a love of reading and read fluently.

The school has a strong personal, social, health and economic education curriculum, which prioritises teaching pupils about citizenship and kindness. Pupils are prepared well for life in modern Britian.

They are taught how to stay healthy and how to keep themselves safe, including online. A range of wider experiences are provided to develop pupils' confidence and interests further. Pupils take part in poetry workshops, science days, outdoor learning, and bike-riding programmes, in addition to charity work.

The school has high expectations for pupils' behaviour. Pupils are focused on their learning in class and are respectful towards each other. Pupils are typically confident and courteous towards adults.

When necessary, the school addresses pupils' behaviour well. The school works closely with families to ensure that pupils attend school regularly and to support pupils in their learning.

Parents are positive about the changes they see in the school and consider it approachable.

They recognise a change for the better in the school's culture and commented positively about the changes that the school is making. Leaders and trustees are determined that all pupils succeed and enjoy their time at school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• The school does not use assessment routinely well to identify and address gaps in pupils' knowledge, errors, or misconceptions. As a result, pupils including pupils with SEND, are sometimes not well supported to understand the important knowledge they need in order to be ready for the more complex ideas that come later in the curriculum. The school should ensure that teaching routinely checks what pupils have understood before moving on to new content.

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