Fieldhead Primary Academy

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About Fieldhead Primary Academy

Name Fieldhead Primary Academy
Ofsted Inspections
Principal Mrs Donna Popek
Address Charlotte Close, Birstall, Batley, WF17 9BX
Phone Number 01924473016
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 177
Local Authority Kirklees
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

This is a welcoming and nurturing school. Everyone in the school lives out the school's vision of 'a great school at the heart of the community'. Staff know pupils well.

Pupils say adults listen to them and support them if they have worries. Pupils have many leadership roles in school. They are extremely proud of the difference they make to their school.

The school has high expectations for all pupils. The school supports all pupils to do their best. The trust has ensured there are high-quality professional development opportunities for all staff.

Pupils who need extra help receive prompt and effective support. All pupils, including those with special educati...onal needs and/or disabilities (SEND), achieve well.

Pupils are happy, confident and lively.

They enjoy sharing their views. Pupils play well together at social times. Pupils understand the school rules and are caring towards others.

All members of the school community know and commit to the 'Fieldhead Four'. This term represents the school's values, which include being kind and respectful to others. They show this through their daily activities and in their behaviour to others.

Pupils learn about different cultures through the curriculum and in assemblies. Pupils accept and welcome everyone in their school. Pupils have many opportunities to participate in activities and trips.

These include competitive sporting events, and visits to places of interest, including to local theatres and London.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have developed an ambitious curriculum. In most subjects, it is clear what knowledge and skills pupils acquire.

Most subject plans set out how pupils' knowledge will build, step by step, from the early years to Year 6. The school is aware that some subjects are not as developed as others. In the plans of the less well-developed subjects, the essential learning that pupils need to remember is not as clear as it needs to be.

The school is in the process of reviewing these subjects and their plans.Reading is a priority for the school. There is a clear structure and sequence for the teaching of phonics.

Pupils who are at the early stage of reading have daily phonics lessons. Effective support is in place to ensure that children who are at risk of falling behind catch up quickly.Pupils develop a love of reading.

Staff share their passion for books with pupils, parents and carers. The school runs information sessions and reading events for parents. These events, which include the school's weekly 'rhyme time' and 'drop in and read' sessions, promote parental engagement.

The school is highly inclusive. Pupils with SEND are well supported. The school successfully adapts lessons and resources to meet pupils' individual needs.

Pupils with SEND access an ambitious curriculum. The school has calm, nurturing spaces where individuals and groups get extra support. The school works closely with outside agencies to ensure pupils receive the best possible provision.

Right from the start, in the early years, the school develops strong partnerships with parents. The curriculum in the early years is ambitious. Staff identify, and respond to, children's developmental needs accurately.

Pupils have positive attitudes towards learning. Pupils behave well in lessons and around school. Staff implement the school's expectations and routines for behaviour consistently.

There is little disruption to learning. There are warm, nurturing and respectful relationships between staff and children in the school.

The school has a high focus on attendance and punctuality.

Appropriate attendance procedures are in place and are consistently applied. The school provides an appropriate balance of support and challenge for families where attendance is an issue.

There is a very well-established approach to supporting pupils' personal development.

It is a strength of the school. Pupils are given many opportunities to become responsible and respectful citizens. Pupils play an active part in shaping their local community.

Pupils contribute, for example, to activities like tree-planting and litter picking. Pupils understand the importance of community involvement. Pupils are inspired to make a positive difference to their local area.

Pupils relish the many opportunities available outside the classroom. Pupils value the visits to museums and places of worship, such as to the mosque and local church in Dewsbury. Pupils know how to stay safe online.

Pupils understand what it means to be healthy. Pupils learn about friendships and positive relationships.

Trustees and governors have an excellent knowledge of the school.

They understand what the school does well and what the school needs to do to make it even better. There are robust procedures in place which challenge, and support, the school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In some subjects, leaders have not defined fully the key knowledge to be taught. As a result, some lessons can deviate from the intended learning outcome. Leaders should continue to develop and refine curriculum plans to ensure that all curriculum plans set out precisely what pupils must learn and when.

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