Fishponds CofE Primary School

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About Fishponds CofE Primary School

Name Fishponds CofE Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Principal Ms Michelle Omoboni
Address Fishponds Road, Fishponds, Bristol, BS16 3UH
Phone Number 01179030491
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 365
Local Authority Bristol, City of
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils enjoy their time at school.

They are confident and successful in their learning. They are proud to live up to the school's Christian values. They learn about how these values are reflected in a range of world religions and cultures.

Pupils enjoy taking part in a wide range of after-school activities. These help them develop their skills in sport, music and cookery.

Pupils are polite, collaborate well in their learning and show respect for each other's opinions.

Staff have high and consistent expectations of pupils' behaviour. From early years onwards, staff help pupils to reflect on their behaviour and to manage their feelings. Staff care for ...pupils and keep them safe.

They are highly skilled in supporting pupils' emotional needs. Pupils say that staff help them to restore relationships when there have been fallings-out or rare cases of bullying.

Pupils enjoy taking on responsibilities.

They are proud to act as school councillors and digital leaders. Pupils take responsibility for raising money to support international, local and national charities. For example, Year 2 pupils used their harvest celebration to raise money to provide a school bus for children in the Dominican Republic.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders are determined that each child in the school will succeed. They have brought about many improvements in the curriculum and in managing pupils' emotional and social needs. As a result, the quality of education that pupils receive is good.

Leaders have designed a curriculum with clear sequences of learning in each subject. These build on what children learn in the early years. As a result, pupils learn well across a full range of subjects.

Pupils enjoy reading and being read to in school. Leaders encourage a love of reading. This includes promoting reading for pleasure and pupils taking part in the 'reading 25' reading challenge.

Staff love sharing books with pupils. This includes books that celebrate the different cultures within school. For example, staff were enthusiastic about how pupils responded to 'The Proudest Blue'.

Pupils learn phonics as soon as they join the Reception class. There is a clear and structured phonics programme in place. Teachers choose books carefully so that pupils practise new sounds they are learning and develop confidence.

As a result, pupils learn to read well.

In reading and mathematics, teaching builds securely on the assessment of pupils' prior learning. As a result, pupils across the school read with understanding and apply mathematics well.

In other subjects, checks on what pupils know and understand are not as precise. Consequently, in these subjects, teaching does not build well enough on what pupils already know and understand. This can lead to gaps in pupils' learning.

Leaders and staff are skilled in identifying and assessing pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities. These pupils follow the full curriculum and learn well.

Pupils have positive attitudes to respecting people's differences.

They know that it is wrong to judge someone based on their gender, appearance or beliefs. Pupils have a good understanding of what makes a healthy relationship. They know that it is their responsibility to seek help if they are aware of anyone being harassed.

This prepares them well to be responsible citizens.

Governors support and challenge school leaders well. They know the school's strengths and areas for development.

Together with leaders from the trust, they follow up actions for improvement and check how these are having an impact on learning. Staff feel supported by leaders and appreciate that their workload and well-being are considered. Staff say they love being part of the 'Fishponds family'.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

There is a strong culture of safeguarding in the school. All staff know how to recognise signs of abuse and neglect.

They know that it is everyone's responsibility to care for and keep pupils safe. Staff work well with other agencies and professionals to minimise risk of harm to pupils. Leaders have put effective safeguarding procedures in place, including pre-employment checks on staff.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In some subjects, assessment is not used consistently well to check pupils' understanding and inform future teaching. This slows pupils' learning down. Leaders should ensure that assessment is used consistently well so that pupils can build on their prior learning to develop the knowledge they should in every subject.

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