Flixton Girls School

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About Flixton Girls School

Name Flixton Girls School
Website http://www.flixtongirls.com/
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Miss Danielle Tedford
Address Flixton Road, Trafford, Manchester, M41 5DR
Phone Number 01619600160
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 11-16
Religious Character None
Gender Girls
Number of Pupils 927
Local Authority Trafford
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils know that they are expected to follow 'the Flixton way' by doing the right thing, being consistent and showing perseverance.

Pupils rise to this challenge. New pupils settle into school quickly. Parents and carers appreciate how smoothly their children are welcomed into the school in Year 7.

The school has high expectations of what all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), can achieve. Most pupils achieve well.

Pupils are happy at school.

They are aware of the many ways that they can report any worries or anxieties that they may have. Pupils engage well in lessons. The atmosphere on the corridors an...d at social times is calm and friendly.

The school offers a varied range of trips and visits to expand pupils' experience of the wider world. Pupils volunteer through the Duke of Edinburgh award. They eagerly adopt positions of responsibility including acting as eco ambassadors and as prefects.

They proudly wear the badges that indicate their area of leadership in school. These opportunities help pupils to become active citizens.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has placed the English Baccalaureate suite of subjects at the forefront of its aspirational curriculum.

There has been a marked increase in the number of pupils studying a modern foreign language at key stage 4. This, coupled with a considerable increase in pupils studying the three science subjects, demonstrates the increasing ambition that the school has for its pupils and their achievement.

The trust has ensured that suitable training is in place to support leaders at all levels and to develop teaching expertise.

Consequently, teachers have strong subject knowledge. In most subjects, the essential knowledge that pupils need to know and the order in which it should be taught is mapped out clearly for teachers. The school and the trust work together well to design effective learning activities.

However, in a small number of subjects, the school continues to refine its curriculum thinking. In these few subjects the order in which the key knowledge should be taught is less clear. As a result, pupils achieve less well in these subjects.

Teachers check and identify gaps and misconceptions in pupils' learning effectively. Pupils revisit their learning and improve their work. Nonetheless, where the curriculum is less well developed, pupils' recall of prior learning is not as secure.

The school is now working more effectively with parents to ensure that pupils with SEND are identified swiftly and get the timely help that they need to be successful. Most pupils with SEND learn alongside their peers. The school has recently improved the quality of the information that staff are given about pupils with SEND.

This gives teachers clear guidance on how to support pupils' learning. How teachers use this information in the classroom is not consistent. As a result, some pupils with SEND are not as fully engaged with their learning as they could be and do not learn as well as they could.

Teachers assess pupils' reading ability regularly and interweave opportunities for reading throughout the curriculum. The school has clear actions in place to support pupils to increase their reading fluency and comprehension. However, the school's approach to supporting the weakest readers is not coherent.

As a consequence, some pupils who struggle with reading are not consistently supported well to enable them to catch up with their peers. This hinders their access to the curriculum.

The school's approach to pupils' personal development is well considered.

Pupils participate eagerly in the myriad of opportunities on offer to develop their talents and interests. They learn how to recognise potential risks when they are in the community. For example, how to keep safe from gangs and knife crime.

They are taught to recognise the dangers of substance misuse and to understand consent. Pupils are well prepared to grow up in a modern and diverse Britain. They learn about being tolerant and how to respect the differences between themselves and others.

The school prepares pupils well for their next steps. Pupils spoke to inspectors about their ambitious career plans. They can visit universities, take part in work placements and attend careers fairs.

They are well informed about the different routes that are available to them when they leave Year 11.

Governors and trustees have a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities. They are aware of the strengths of the school and the work needed to further improve the quality of education that pupils receive.

The school listens to staff feedback. In response, it has ensured that deadlines are carefully distributed to help staff manage their workload. Staff are proud to work at this school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In a small number of subjects, the school's development of the curriculum is at an earlier stage. This means that teachers are unclear about the order in which the most important information should be taught.

As a result, pupils do not build a deep body of learning over time. The school should ensure that, as it refines its curriculum thinking, the essential knowledge that pupils should learn and when this should happen is clearly identified in all subjects. ? School systems to support those pupils who have gaps in their reading knowledge are underdeveloped.

This means that some pupils do not receive the targeted support that they need to catch up quickly in reading. This hinders their access to the curriculum. The school should ensure that it fully implements and embeds improvements to the reading curriculum so that pupils are supported to catch up quickly.

• The school does not ensure that some pupils with SEND receive well-tailored and consistent support. This means that some pupils with SEND do not learn as well as they should. The school should ensure that identified actions for pupils with SEND are implemented fully and reviewed regularly.

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