Flora Gardens Primary School

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About Flora Gardens Primary School

Name Flora Gardens Primary School
Website http://www.floragardens.lbhf.sch.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Katy Asserati
Address 34 Lena Gardens, London, W6 7PZ
Phone Number 02087482566
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 195
Local Authority Hammersmith and Fulham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Flora Gardens is a joyful place to learn.

Pupils are exceptionally polite and welcoming. They are proud of their school. The highly respectful relationships between staff and pupils help to create a convivial atmosphere.

Pupils have a clear understanding of what constitutes bullying. They insist that there is no bullying here because everyone is kind. Comments from pupils such as, 'the value of respect means we just wouldn't do it,' are typical.

Staff are quick to sort out any friendship issues if they happen.

The school's values underpin leaders' approach to behaviour. Staff understand and apply the behaviour system.

For example, they rewar...d pupils with house points. Classroom routines are well established. Right from early years, children show a high level of interest in their learning.

Playtimes are harmonious. Pupils have fun with the learning that staff plan for them.

Leaders and governors are ambitious for all pupils to excel.

The curriculum that leaders have designed enables all pupils to learn a range of subjects successfully. Leaders offer a wide range of clubs, from quidditch to drama and circus skills to eco-club. There is something for everyone, and pupils take part in these activities with enthusiasm.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have prioritised staff development. Pupils are taught subjects by teachers with strong subject knowledge. This helps to ensure that the curriculum is delivered effectively.

In many subjects, leaders have decided precisely what they want pupils to remember. Teachers use a range of strategies to embed this knowledge in pupils' long-term memory. For example, in Spanish, pupils said that the songs they learn help them remember these things.

In mathematics, through regular repetition, pupils have memorised their times tables and other important number facts. However, in some subjects, leaders have not clearly identified what they want pupils to know and remember. In these subjects, teachers cover a lot of subject content in lessons, but do not break it down for pupils.

This makes it harder for pupils to remember key concepts.

Reading is given a high priority. Pupils use the well-stocked library regularly.

They have a say in the choice of books in their classroom book areas. This helps to maintain pupils' interest in reading. All staff receive training in phonics and reading.

From early years, children develop confidence in learning sounds quickly. The phonics programme is carefully sequenced. Pupils practise their reading with books that exactly match the sounds they know.

This helps them to become fluent readers. Leaders ensure that any pupils in danger of falling behind get appropriate help.

Teachers check regularly that pupils understand what they are learning.

For example, they make sure that pupils pronounce sounds accurately in phonics lessons. In mathematics, staff often ask pupils how they have worked out their answers to check that pupils fully understand. These checks enable teachers to match work to pupils' needs.

Staff identify the needs of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities accurately. Teachers provide tailored resources for these pupils. As a result, pupils achieve well.

Pupils behave impeccably. Around the school, they are cheerful and courteous. In lessons, pupils are curious and committed to their learning.

They are proud to represent the school, for example on educational outings or in sports tournaments. Pupils often get compliments from the event hosts.

Leaders promote pupils' personal development exceptionally well.

The excellent sports offer gives pupils many opportunities to develop a healthy lifestyle. The variety of after-school clubs ignites pupils' interests and helps them to develop their talents. Pupils have opportunities to discuss a range of topics.

For example, pupils in Year 5 debated whether it is morally acceptable to use a pig's heart for human transplants. Leaders help pupils learn about the world of work and managing money. Pupils save up their house points to buy items from the school shop, for instance.

They take their leadership roles seriously, even putting on a suit to work in the school's 'bank'.

Staff are happy to work here. They said that leaders think about their well-being, for example by arranging enjoyable team-building events.

Staff spoke highly of the training and support that leaders provide.

Governors know the school well and offer a high level of support and challenge. Governors work closely with school leaders and are well informed about leaders' actions and their impact.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders, including governors, prioritise pupils' welfare. Leaders make sure that staff receive the training they need to know how to spot and report a concern.

Consequently, staff are confident in identifying when a child is at risk. Leaders work well with relevant agencies, so that pupils and families get the support they need.

Pupils said that they feel safe at school because they have trusted adults they can go to.

Leaders make sure that pupils have plenty of opportunities to learn how to stay safe. For example, pupils are clear about the dangers of the internet and how to mitigate these.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In most subjects, leaders are clear about what they want pupils to know and remember, and teachers create opportunities in lessons to build that knowledge over time.

In some subjects, this knowledge has not been as precisely identified. Teachers do not break down subject content into smaller chunks and can overload pupils' working memory. Leaders should ensure that the knowledge they want pupils to know and remember is clearly identified in every subject and that teachers break learning down into manageable steps.

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