Forest Fields Primary and Nursery School

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About Forest Fields Primary and Nursery School

Name Forest Fields Primary and Nursery School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Shahida Chowdhury
Address Stanley Road, Off Berridge Road, Nottingham, NG7 6GQ
Phone Number 01159156872
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 647
Local Authority Nottingham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Forest Fields Primary and Nursery School is a vibrant and diverse school.

Pupils are happy and safe. The school makes sure that all pupils know the trusted adults they can talk to about any worries. Relationships between pupils and staff are warm and positive.

Many new pupils arrive to the school part way through the academic year. The school ensures that these pupils settle in as quickly as they can. This includes pupils who are new to speaking English.

The school is inclusive, with high expectations for all. Pupils are well supported and achieve well.

Staff have high expectations of pupils' behaviour.

They take consistent action to help pu...pils manage their behaviour. Pupils agree that the rules are fair. The school reminds pupils to be 'ready, respectful and safe'.

Staff teach pupils about life in modern Britain. Most pupils understand why respect is an important value to show others. They show respectful, polite attitudes to others in lessons and at playtimes.

However, not all pupils meet the school's expectations. A small minority of pupils do not understand how to make respectful behaviour choices. They do not treat others with the respect they deserve.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has an ambitious curriculum, which begins in the early years. From a broad range of starting points, pupils achieve well. However, the school's published results do not give a true reflection of pupils' achievement.

This is because many pupils arrive at, or leave, the school at different times during the academic year. As a result, they do not always experience the school's curriculum over sustained periods of time. The school is vigilant in ensuring that pupils who arrive during the academic year receive the support they need to help them catch up with their peers.

Staff provide effective support to pupils who speak English as an additional language. Pupils are proud of how quickly they have learned English and of the multilingual knowledge they have.

The school is inclusive.

There are high expectations for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Pupils are supported well, including in the early years. Curriculum delivery is adapted effectively for pupils with SEND.

Small-group work is used effectively so that learning can be broken down into smaller steps. This helps pupils with SEND to achieve as well as they can.

Reading is highly valued at this school.

Pupils in the early years talk about stories they are reading as they are playing. The curriculum for reading is ambitious. For example, it ensures that all pupils access quality literature such as the works of Shakespeare.

Pupils recall their learning well. The school makes sure that pupils get off to a good start with learning sounds as soon as they begin school. This includes children in the early years, as well as older pupils who join the school part way through the year.

Phonics is taught well. Pupils have very positive attitudes towards their learning in phonics lessons. Staff provide effective help to ensure that those at risk of falling behind their peers keep up.

The school makes sure that the books pupils read match the sounds they are learning.

The school has a well-sequenced personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education curriculum in place. Staff ensure that pupils learn about the most important knowledge they need to prepare for their next steps.

Pupils learn about how to stay safe and lead healthy lifestyles. They develop secure knowledge about fundamental British values, as well as faiths and beliefs different from their own. Pupils can connect their learning about diversity, tolerance and respect.

They describe the school as being for everyone. One pupil explained, 'If we learn about different cultures and religions, then we won't offend people by accident.' Pupils are proud of their diverse friendships.

The school has prioritised improving pupils' attendance. It is effective in helping some pupils to improve their attendance. There is more work to do, as too many pupils are absent from school for long periods.

This means that they miss learning, leading to gaps developing in their knowledge.

Governors know the school well. They challenge and support the school to help secure the best possible experiences for pupils.

Governors take account of staff views. In response to staff requests, a well-being committee including staff representatives has been created. Most staff who shared a view value leaders' support.

Those teachers early in their career feel very well supported by leaders.

The school has not yet been able to share successfully with all parents and carers the good work that is being undertaken to improve pupils' experiences of education. Although pupils say the behaviour system is fair, some parents say this is not the case.

The school is doing all it can to make parents feel part of the school community.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• The school works hard to help pupils to manage their behaviour.

However, not all pupils know and understand what respectful behaviours are. This means that a small number of pupils do not always treat each other with the respect they deserve. The school should ensure that all pupils understand what respectful behaviours are and how to demonstrate them.

• Despite the work undertaken to improve attendance, the school has not yet ensured that all pupils attend well. This means that too many pupils miss out on the good quality of education that the school provides. The school should ensure that those pupils who require it receive the necessary support to help them attend regularly.

• The school has not yet been able to share successfully with parents the good work being undertaken to improve pupils' experiences of school. As a result, a small number of parents hold negative views about certain aspects of the school's provision, including the fairness of the behaviour system. The school should ensure that the relationships it builds with parents enable all parents to be aware of the work undertaken to improve further pupils' experiences of education.

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